51) Try to find someone with the answers
52) Explain something you don't understand. (great for presentations)
53) Look for lost time.
54) Live with a sociopath.
55) Vomit so often from drinking that it hardly bothers you anymore.
56) Stay awake in your most boring class.
57) Pass up offers from attractive women to go out drinking because you have to study, then blow off studying anyway and sit at home alone.
58) Guess what your grades will be every week.
59) Figure out what you'll need to get your grad index to a decent level.
60) Explain to someone what you enjoy and why.
61) Make fun of religion (realizing that you're damned)
62) Try to figure out why everyone you meet of the opposite sex either A) doesn't interest you B) you don't interest them C) already has a love interest D) is everyone else's love interest E) all of the above.
63) Try to imagine what life would be like without bureaucracy.
64) Conform.
65) Go to a video rental place with 2 or more friends. (...I've SEEN that!!!)
66) Find out what parties are going on when you have homework backed up.
67) Make a "Time Management" card, then TRY to stick to it. (I'll sleep next week.)
68) Find some goals. (I'll stop procrastinating next week.)
69) Deny any bizarre sexual conquest. (There is always SOMEONE who knows...)
70) Discern differences in Homecoming/Grad Prix candidates.
71) Talk to a racist without getting angry or punching him out.
72) Have a crush on someone at least 1000 miles away.
73) Become a love hostage. (definition available).
74) Have low self-esteem wars.
75) Make up nick-names for everyone.
76) Chase someone without moving. (metaphoric statement)
77) Get a decent Halloween costume that hasn't been done a million times.
78) Make fun of Greeks, but try to go to their parties.
79) Figure out what makes you happy and avoid it.
80) Get to the point where nobody gives you advice anymore. (What am I going to do with you?; I don't know what to tell you.)
81) Try to have a rational conversation with someone who's in love.
82) Figure out how they could have made "Batman" better.
83) Live in fear of jealous (ex-) boyfriends of your female friends.
84) Having everything due (projects, tests, etc.) after a big party weekend.
85) Use your failing test scores as lottery numbers.
86) Compute what you HAVE to get on your finals to pass.
87) Flirt with soon-to-be-married friends.
88) Come up with gross nicknames for sororities: e.g. Smegma
89) Prove that Fraternity Man (does not)= Drunken Rapist. 90) Count your blessings and subtract them from your damnations.
91) Keep track of the "soap opera" of changing relationships.
92) Ask yourself "Where the hell am I and how did I get HERE?" 93) Keep making the same mistakes.
94) Spend at least a half hour a day looking for something in the house.
95) Avoid soon-to-be-divorced friends. (see #87) 96) Try to be taken seriously.
97) Make a good second impression. (given that you've blown the first)
98) Listen to your mother list eligible women (her friends daughters) and try to keep your stomach from turning.
99) Correct your answers on old finals.
100) Mire in self-pity about your dismal future