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home Things I've Learned in College
67.  You will meet people down here who will completely change your life.  Forever.
68.  When you find that special professor/mentor- take every class they offer.  It helps your GPA.
69.  Football games are more fun when you're winning....
70.  But you still support them even if they lose.
71.  Work on-campus.  You get to meet some really stupid, naive people.
72.  You can have fun and not be drunk.
73.  Of course, you can be drunk and not have fun.
74.  Never, ever, ever take your perfect schedule for granted.  It will disappear before you know it.
75.  Pictures make very excellent wallpaper.
76.  Hang out with people that you have common interests with.  Otherwise, there's no point.
77.  Girls, you will hear every lame pick-up line in the book.
78.  Guys, give up the lame pick-up lines.  Please.
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