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WW2 and CFS2 Pics and Screenshots

Move your mouse over each pic for a brief description of the situation.

Bigdaddy (in the lower aircraft) and Axe in formation prior to entering the break.

Skwerl showin off his formation skills, right before he destroys the zero.


Axe(supervising), Skwerl(working on the engine), Whisky(under the belly changing the cameras), and BigDaddy(fixing the wing mount) work diligently to get this aircraft up for a flight. no idea who was in the cockpit. Probably Painter helpin us out.

Looks like something very reminiscent of Top Gun. Hellcat is nearly directly parallel to and above the George, 8 ft away. (the only editing to this pic is the cropping, otherwise its undoctored, and there was no slew to get that position. ACM and photography by Skwerl.)

Skwerl's drafting

Skwerl Gettin the green flag (go ahead) for launch.

Confirmed kill by Whisky against an Oscar over Midway.


Axe waves off because of a fouled deck. He chewed our asses for playing football while the planes were prepping for takeoff (note the 2 guys with arms up to catch the ball, QB is behind aircraft somewhere.)

Axe thrilled about this one. Both he and his plane are grinning ear to ear.

For Sale: one picnic table, slightly damaged.

Code of Conduct Downloads Carrier Test Requirements Carrier Test Info Pics page 2 VF-3 Roster USN Medals Aviation Slang History

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Copyright © 2003 Terror & Mayhem, Inc. All rights reserved.

Note: The black and white pics were taken from I am not the original author, but these pics are great for added realism.