As part of the United States Power Squadron,
the Boquerón Power Squadron is an organization dedicated to:

  • The association of people having a common love and appreciation of yachting as a nationwide fraternity of boatmen.


  • Encorage and promote  yatchting, power and sail.


  • To encourage and promote a high amateur standard of skill in the handling and navegation of yachts, power and sail; to encourage and promote the study of the science and art of navegation, seamanship and small boat handling..

































Who We Are  |  What We Offer  |  Were We Are    |  Related Sites  |  What's New  |  Event Calendar  |  Committees



Links to Other Squadrons In Puerto Rico

Humacao          San Juan  



                     PRIVACY STATEMENT

   United States Power Squadron



Boquerón Power Squadron Email

















Boquerón Power Squadron








P.O. Box 637








Boquerón, P. R. 00622





   Ò The USPS Ensign (Flag Design), “Wheel-and-Flag Design”, “United States Power Squadron”, “USPS”, “the Squadron” and   

    “Boat Smart” are registered trademarks of the United States Power Squadrons.












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