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                                                         Your are what you wear!

     I am tired of hearing "men only look at women as sex objects", The truth of the matter is, if you didnt want to be looked at as a sex object, you would not be wearing clothing that shows cleavage (and some of you show so much, you leave nothing to the imagination).  Then if someone hits on you, you get upset. Come off it, its not the fact that you got hit on, its the fact that some ugly sub-human acting man was the one hitting on you. What do you expect.  You dress like a prostitute, you get treated like one.

     If you dress conservative at work, you complain that you never get promotions. But you are really bitter because no one looks at you.  The plain truth of the matter is, you are never happy, and instead of owning upto it, and changing it, you try to blame men.  Men are and will always be men.  They think with Jr, they will always let him make any decision. That is a proven fact of life, just like women will always bitch!

     If you really dont want to be looked at as a sex object, then start looking in the mirror, or at your friends or neighbors or the lady coming out of Victoria's Secret.  Its called a stereotype, and if it happens to everyone else, its going to happen to you as well, and there is nothing you can do about it but change it yourself.  You will always have that woman somewhere who is wearing nothing but dental floss as a swim suit.  Why, cuz she KNOWS she looks good.  She flaunts what she has, and i bet she gets what she wants. If you are upset, then do something about that. Most of you are pissed because you look at billboards and TV shows and see these 63 lb 6'2 models with their ribs showing and think "If only i can look like that".  Its not the medias fault, its your own.  You believe what they are selling. All the media is, is a salesman coming to your house to sell  you lies and you fall for it hook line and diet pills!

     You end up spending more time buying junk workout equiptment and trying every diet out there, which i must say, just totally messes up your body chemistry more than anything, and makes it harder to lose the weight.  You should look at yourself, and enjoy who you are. I know some very large women who love the way they look, and they are very beautiful and fun to be around. Yes, the Pamela Anderson look-alikes will always get the attention, but thats just it..  They will ALWAYS get it...  Never be able to just walk around without some sexual remark made towards them.  You cant have both worlds no matter what. So you need to decide what you want. The body and looks of Barbie, or a real person who is content and happy being themselves no matter who or what you look like.