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                                                  Gay Marriage VS Straight Trash

     First of all, I dont really understand why this is even up for election, what ever happened to seperation of church and state?  It should also include country. Marriage is not a government given right, it is a religous one.  So the choice to marry anyone should be left up to each religion, not people like George Bush, who if you look at his record, is not a person you need to be taking pointers from.  He cant even run his own business (except into the ground) hmmmm kind of like what he is doing to the US right now.

     Even before you start debating whether or not to allow gays to get married, you have to look at other things first.  Why is it so wrong to let two people who love each other get married? Granted I will admit most of the gay people i know change partners more times than i can think of, but i also know women who have had 6 or more husbands. So i can only imagine how it will be if they can marry.  Meet at a circuit party, get married, and the next week divorced. Hey, the states and government should love it. The revenue it would bring in from lawyers paying taxes on each divorce would be amazing.

     Now look at the rest of America. Straight people get married and divorced.  There are no laws on who can or cant get married as long as its a man and woman. If you want to limit who can get married, limit trash from getting married, and sitting on welfare all their life and reproducing more trash into society. If you really want to get down to saying who can and cant get married, then you shouldn't let anyone who isn't wealthy enough to support kids, a house and a family w/o the help of government aid.  You shouldnt let foreingers who cant speak, read or write english get married.  Only useful productive people. (Which doesnt mean all trash is poor, there is ALOT of rich trash too, who can pay to get military records changed and change votes in their favor too) Why is it you can get married, have a load of kids, collect money from the government (which last time i looked gays get taxed too, normally more, since they tend to make more, and have more spendable income than straight people) and it is ok.  You can even come here illegally, pop out a kid, and we have to keep you and the brat, and pay for it all. While they sit around and do nothing but make slums and ghettos. Gays move into areas, clean them up raise the value of property, and then move on to more. They tend to spend more, and normally well above their means.  The government has NO problem taking that money and giving it to total worthless trash. The least they can do is allow gays the right to get married.

     When did equality stop happening?  Furthermore who gives anyone the right to vote NO on gay marriage. The last time I checked deporting anyone who isnt working isnt on the ballet.  Requiring every able person to have a job or join the service wasnt on the ballet. Its not ok to infringe on the rights of any straight person, but as soon as you throw the word gay in there, it become a free for all, like gay people are third rate people.. Useless trash have more rights.  That HAS to change!