"I served with
Pat on the Atlanta, we were both dissed quit often by our LPO and
this person often withheld the respect and responsibilities we deserved.
Well, a few years later this LPO's Navy career crashed and burned,
this is not said out of vengeance on my part, but rather Karma on his.
Pat and I both became very good Radioman. As you may/may
not know, becoming a supervisor at ComSubLant is no easy task, on
the Shark I was part of a Radioman team that received the Communications
"C" award.
It was kind of strange having two Reileys/Reillys with
the same rate/rank and last name, but it always gave us someone else
to blame; "Oh that must have been the other Reilly/Reiley".
Pat used to get razzed by some of the crew due to his
temper at the time(harmless rantings really), we received a perverse
joy at the time from getting him fired up or as we called it; "All Hands
Cycle on Station!"
I have been in almost constant contact with Pat since
I left the Atlanta. The years have tamed Pat, he has become a very
gentle and caring man. If this were not so, he would have never have
met or been able to stay with someone like Sheila.
They both visited me here in Chicago last year, and
I was very impressed with her, she will without doubt prevent him
from ever becoming stogy.
They recently bought a beautiful house in New Jersey,
and I hope to visit them next year in order to have some Mint Juleps
by their swimming pool. At the rate Pat is unpacking boxes, he
should be finished moving in by summer 2002.
I should also add that he was the last shipmate to spend
time with my dear friend and Atlanta Plankowner; Jim Mullins, as Jim
was living in Arizona as well.
Pat has made a great success out of his life and has grown
leaps personally.
It is and has been a great honor and privilege to have
served with him on the Atlanta and be called a friend by Pat Reilly.