Application For Position
Please Fill out intirerly. You must also be over 13 Years of age to Apply to Join this ship. Please do not indicate a rank in your application as I will assign you one based of your application. Also do take your time while filling it out as quality does matter in getting a position and a good rank. And thank you for applying.
If you have any questions please ask me at
E-mail Address:
Pasr Role Playing Experince or Sims:
Are you a Member Of Bravo Fleet:
If yes What Characters:
Have you read through the
Cadet Initail Training
Will you Follow all the
Bravo Fleet Rules:
Character Information:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Date Of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Character Backround:
Personality Profile:
Position Desired
First Choice Of Position:
Second Choice Of Position:
Sample Post, Please Continue/Reply as If you have your First Desired Position
You are on an away Mission standing In a large empty Field when you hear weapons Fire You quickly...