Click on the federation logo below to beam yourself onboard the USS Pacifica

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Wasn't it your own Hartley who said "Nothing reveals humanity so well as the games it plays?" Almost right. Actually, you reveal yourselves best in how you play.

Celebrating Three Years in Bravo Fleet

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This site, USS Pacifica belongs to
Daniel Butterworth.

Legal Disclaimer

Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Star Trek: Voyager and all related trademarks are copywrited by Paramount Pictures. This is a purely informational website and no monies are earnt from it or it's contents. This webpage is Copyright 2001. This site is a creation of the members of the sim. All crew biographies, crew images, episode posters and all other original artwork are all Copyright of the Site Author.

Some images are courtesy of Star Trek Australia

ome animated logos were created by Cmdr Tomalak's Trek Animations

Special Thanks

All USS Pacifica banners were designed by John Pickering for use by this crew thanks John.

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