The heart of the main computer system is a pair of redundant main processing cores. Either core is able to handle the primary operational computing load of the entire vessel. Both cores span decks 5 through 7.
The twin cores run in parallel clock-sync with each other providing 100% redundancy. In the event of a failure in either core, the other core is able to instantly assume the total primary computing load for the ship with no interruption, although some secondary and recreational functions may be suspended.
A network of quadritronic optical subprocessors is distributed throughout the ship, augmenting the main cores. The distributed processing network improves overall system response and provides redundancy in emergency situations. Each subprocessor is linked into the optical data network and most also have a dedicated optical link to one or both of the cores.
More recently the subprocessing network has been enhanced with bio-neural gel packs. Their organic circuitry allows computers to 'think' in very similar ways to living organisms; by using 'fuzzy logic', they can effectively operate by making a 'best guess' answer to complex questions rather than working through all possible calculations. This is due in part to the inherent nature of organic neural systems to correlate chaotic patterns that yet elude the capacities of conventional hardware.
Access to all Starfleet data is highly regulated. A standard set of access levels have been programmed into the computer cores of all ships in order to stop any undesired access to confidential data. Security levels are also variable, and task-specific. Certain areas of the ship are restricted to unauthorized personnel, regardless of security level. Security levels can also be raised, lowered, or revoked by Command personnel.
Security levels in use aboard the Steamrunner Class are:
Level 10 - Captain and Above
Level 9 - First Officer
Level 8 - Commander
Level 7 - Lt. Commander
Level 6 - Lieutenant
Level 5 - Lt. Junior Grade
Level 4 - Ensign
Level 3 - Non-Commissioned Crew
Level 2 - Civilian Personnel
Level 1 - Open Access (Read Only)
Note: Security Levels beyond current rank can and are bestowed when, where, and to whom they are necessary.
The main computer grants access based on a battery of checks to the individual user, including face and voice recognition in conjunction with a vocal code as an added level of security.
All Starfleet vessels make use of a computer program called a Universal Translator that is employed for communication among persons who speak different languages. It performs a pattern analysis of an unknown language based on a variety of criteria to create a translation matrix. The translator is built into the Starfleet badge and small receivers are implanted in the ear canal. The Universal Translator matrix aboard Steamrunner Class starships consists of well over 100,000 languages and increases with every new encounter.