member StarFleet, Region Three., Sector One, A StarTrek Fan Association ,1998 StarFleet Ship of the Year

Welcome Aboard
The Bridge of the USS COMANCHE, Cadet Jamie Hislop, below, son of Commodore Dan Hislop, will be your host while you are aboard our fine ship which recently celebrated it's fifth aniversary and the honor of being StarFleets Ship of the Year for 1998!

The USS COMANCHE proudly serves it's community by getting involved in several charity projects such as Teddies for Tots and the Great Coupon War and Quarks Casino, as well as being called on to host out of town visitors such as Walter Kong and James Doohan.

The USS COMANCHE members also go on away missions to premier showings of certain movies as well as musuems, and other places of interests,social get togethers are par for the course with theme parties such as the KLINGON DINNER THING. The USS COMANCHE meets the fourth Saturday of each month at Spring Creek BBQ off Las Vegas Trail and Hwy 80 in West Ft. Worth Texas at 3 pm..visitors are always welcomed! for more info contact

Capt. Joyce Fink at

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