USS Cook APD 130 Photos
Cook in Mothballs 1950 fars side of harbor on left

Cook across the way, first on left.  In fleet reserve San Diego 1950


XO LtCdr. William N. Campbell USN

Former XO LCDR William N. Campbell  USN

Command History

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OCSM Chuck Stephenson USN (Ret.) 1961-1962

Goats Locker write up

Photo circa 1973



 Al Braddy HT1

Al Braddy HT1 1965-69

Photos sent in by Al

Photo circa 70s

Click photo for lots of Cook photos and stories  from Steve Waterman

Captain Jack R Griffin and wife Kath 

Captain (CDR.)  Jack R. Griffin, USN (Ret.) and his wife Kath.  Captain Griffin went on to Command the USS Mansfield DD 728 

Received news that Captain Griffin passed away 04/23/02


Some of 1st. Div. 66-67 Bottom left to right: Andy, Beaurogard, Tex Langstrom, Jerry Kirk

Top row: Tesh "Nose", Tim?, John Roddam, Steve Carlton


Jim Anderson "Andy" 1995. The beautiful Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah in the background.

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Andy, first week aboard the Cook, . . fresh out of boot camp 1965.

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Bob McDermott @1966-67

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Bob McDermott 2002


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