Data Base
RPG Guide
Crew Manifest
Mission Log
                                            Code of Conduct

The golden rule of this sim is for EVERYBODY to have fun, with no exceptions. Anybody can join the sim, no matter there background, and everybody is entitled to enjoy it. Questions or comments can be sent to the Captain. With the exception of Non Playing Characters (NPCs), no one can maintain more then one character at a time, without approval of the Commanding Officer. This is so everybody that wishes to join has a fair chance at playing a character they wish.

Stick to the story. If a character suddenly changes the entire story, and the plot, confusion can take place, and the sim could come crashing down. If you wish for a major change to take place, to be a key factor in it, notify both the Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer in private, and they both will decide together if the change is acceptable.
Post at least once a week. If a person fails to do this, the sim could be slowed down, especially if that person is needed to do something. After one week, the person will be notified, in two weeks, the person will be demoted, in three weeks time, the person will be removed from the sim, and the character will be killed, transferred, or NPCed.

Upon arrival, all personal will be given their ranks and medals. The characters ranks are shown beside their names on the Crew Roster page, and both the ranks and medals are shown together on their bios.
Every person receives one ribbon at the end of every mission (Note: Person must be simming for a minimum of three weeks). Also, if the both the Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer believe that a medal is deserved for an individual, then another medal will be presented to them. Any person may recommend anybody to the Commanding Officer and the Executive officer for a medal.

Official promotions are done at the end of every mission if the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer, and the character's department head beleave that a person is entitled to it. If the character is a department head, then the matter will be decided between the Commanding Officer, and the Executive Officer only. All recomendations for promotion are to be brought to the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer, and the Character's Department head (unless of course the character is the department head). For Enlisted personal, the recommendation must be brought the the person's Enlisted department head (if applicable) who will then bring it the Officer in charge of the department, who will in turn bring it to the Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer for decision.

Abuse of another person or there character is not permitted whatsoever. If a person has abused another persons character, then that person will be court-marshalled, be removed from the sim, and be forbidden to return to either the USS Cameron, or the First Fleet. If a person has abused the actual person and not the character, then that person's character will be killed, and the person will be forbidden to return to the USS Horizan or the First Fleet, and if severe enough, then possible real police action will be taken.

The posting address is for posting, and posting only. It is not meant for chatting or exchanging jokes. For those purposes, a message board has been made (for everybody). If a person can not post for an expectable reason, and has notified the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer, and their respective Department head, then a leave of absence can be granted until that person can post again.

Before sending a post, review it for spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes. Even a small spelling mistake can be disastrous. All posts are to be in English, if you have trouble writing in English, try your best, have someone who speaks English well.
Don't use another character what so ever. It is their character, not yours. If you have there permission to use there character, they must notify the CO and the XO so as no confusion is risen.

If the credibility and performance of the CO is in question, then a vote may be taken by the entire crew on whether or not the CO should remain in command.
ALL crewmembers must agree that the Captain is unfit for duty, for him/her to step down.