USS INGRAHAM ASSOCIATION DD-694 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Type of membership Check one:- - -> Regular ___ Associate ____(Non Ingraham Sailor) First ____________________________ MI ___ Last ___________________________ Spouse First Name _______________________________________ Rank/Rate at discharge ____________________ Yrs. Naval Service: ________ Period of Ingraham service: From _____/_____ to: _____/_____ (month/year) Home Address Street: _________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ____________ Telephone: (____) ____-________ Email Address: ____________________________________ Other residence/office address: _____________________________________________________ Telephone: (____) ____-_________ Person to contact in case we lose contact with you. Name: _________________________Phone: (___) ____-______ Relationship: _______________ Member of Veteran's organizations such as VFW, American Legion, DAV, Tin Can Sailors? _________________________________________________________________________________ We plan to expand our Newsletter by including personal letters, pictures and Ingraham history that is of interest to all members. Tell us what you have been doing since you were discharged. Children? Jobs? Retirement? Or any other activity such as Vet's organizations and/or Community involvement, _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Please add additional information on the reverse side. Note: Any information provided will only be used to maintain your active membership in the organization and will not be sold or given to any organization without your specific approval. Your name and address will only be made available to all USS Ingraham Association members that are attempting to locate shipmates that they served with. Make Check Payable to: USS INGRAHAM ASSOCIATION Return Application with $15.00 1 Year membership fee to: USS INGRAHAM ASSOCIATION C/O Tom Harding 23 Phinn Ave. Binghamton, NY 13903-2047 Email: |