Motto: To serve, to strive, and to never yield.
The USS Kodiak has been fortunate to have many talented simmers serve aboard her.  What follows is a listing of former Kodiak simmers of note that distinguished themselves.  The Kodiak crew wishes you safe journeys.

Captain Jason Rendary -
Commander of the USS Kodiak; TOSMA I; Kirk's Cross; Died in Servie to Starfleet

Captain Lang Vedoc -
Commander of the USS Kodiak; TOSMA I; Retired

Commander Rachel Daninburg -
First Officer of the USS Kodiak; On Family Leave

Lieutenant Commander Lansdale Speed -
First Officer of the USS Kodiak; Barclay Bead; Missing in Action

Lieutenant Commander Kailun Khanar -
First Officer of the USS Magellan; TOSMA II; Retired

Captain Xan Hebron -
Commander of the USS Constitution-B; Kirk's Cross; Neelix Award; Active

Lieutenant Commander T'Lara -
First Officer of the USS Constitution-B; Rachel Garnett Medallion; Active
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