Normals: 8 - 23
Indications: Elevated:   ARF, shock, Dehydration, CHF, Vomiting, GI Bleeding.
                  Decreased:   Overhydration, Low Protien, Liver Disease.

Normals: 0.4 - 1.5
Indications: Mostly easily excreted by the kidney, Elevation indicates impaired renal function.

Urine Osmol
Normals: 80 - 1300 mosm/kg
Indications: To determine the concentrating ability of the kidneys.

Urine Lytes
Normals:    Na+ 4 - 22 mmol/L
                  K+  2.5 - 12 mmol/L
                  Cl   11 - 25 mmol/L

Urine pH   
Normals: 405 - 7.5
Indications: > 6.0 - Urine infection, alkalosis, K+ depletion.
                       < 6.0 - metabolic acidosis, repiratory acidosis, pyrexia.

Specific Gravity
Normals: 1.010 - 1.025
Indications: The degree of urine concentration. Where the ability to concentrate urine is impaired
                      renal impairment is suspected.

Blood Electrolytes
Normals:                      Sodium    136 - 142 meq/L  Na is important in fluid balance due to its
                                                                            effect on osmotic pressure.
                                   Hyponatremia - In diabetic cases, dehydration, uremia, diarrhea.
                                   Hypernatremia - May result from ARF, or increased adreno-
                                                            cortical acitivity.

                                   Potassium  4.0 - 5.4 meq/L   Essential to proper muscular function and
                                                                              electrical conduction.
                                   Hypokalemia - Alkalosis, ARF, diuresis, vomiting.  If insulin admistered
                                                          a fall of 1.0 meq/L in K is expected. Low K+ will result
                                                          in cardiac irritability.
                                   Hyperkalemia - ARF, excessive replacement of K+, High K+ will result
                                                           in cardiac flaccidity.

                                   Chloride 100 - 110 meq/L     Major contributor to cellular integrity with its
                                                                              effect on osmotic pressure.
                                   Hypochloremia - Vomiting, acidosis, Addison's, diarrhea.       
                                   Hyperchloremia - In diseases that manifest renal impairment.

Normals:     23 - 85 iu/L
Indications: Secreted by the pancreas. Diagnostic for pancreatitis if elevated. Fond to be low in
                        liver disease.

Bilirubin         A product of the breakdown of hemoglobin.
Normals:          Direct    0 -0.3 mg/dl     Diagnostic of liver and gall bladder disease.
                       Total     0.1- 1.2 mg/dl  Diagnostic of hemolytic anemia, blood imcompatibility and
                                                         gall bladder disease.

Normals: 4 - 24 u/dl
Indications: Secreted in pancreas and functions in the digestion of fats. Diangnostic for acute

Sed. Rate
Normals:    Male        0 - 10 mm/hr
                 Females   0 - 20 mm/hr
Indications: Rapidity with which the RBC settles out of unclotted blood in 1 hour. Rough index
                    of the progress of an inflammatory disease. Does not tell us where the fire is but 
                    does indicate how hot it is.

Other Laboratory Values

Magnesium MG
Normals: 2.1 - 1.7 mg/dl.
Critical: < 1.0 or  > 3.5

Calcium CA+
Normals: 8.5 -10.7 mg/dl

Phosphorus PO4
Normals: 2.5 - 4.6

Normals: 65 - 120 mg/100ml

Uric Acid
Normals: Male    3.4 - 7
               Female 2.4 - 5.7

Hemoglobin HGB
Normals: Male      14.0 - 18.0
               Female   12.0 - 16.0

Hematocrit HCT
Normals: Male       42 - 52 %
               Female    37 - 47 %

White Blood Cell Count WBC
Normals: 5.0 - 10.0 k/UL

Red Blood Cell Count RBC
Normals:    Males      4.70 - 6.10 M/UL
                 Females    4.20 - 5.40 M/UL

Artial Blood Gases
Blood pH 7.35 - 7.45
PCO2        35 - 45 
PO2         80 - 100
HCO3        24 - 26

Ref. Fingertip File for Critical Care Nurses. Donna Farrell Tennant R.N.

Anne E. Erickson M.D.
Stardate 55151.27