Mastform D .........most powerful stimulant availible,
only use as last resort
Netinaline ..... To awaken unconscious humanoid
Tricorazine..... Neuro stimulant
Hyperzine.......cardiac stimulant
Pulmozine.......breathing stimulant
Formazine........Standard stimulant
Delactovine.......Total system stimulant
Cordrazine........powerful stimulant

Melorazine .... Injectable sedative
Kayolane........Injectable sedative
Improvoline...a calming agent, doesnt knock out
Anesthezine.... Gas sedative

Cardiac and Breathing:
Metrazene..... for arrythmia
Adrenaline........used as Epinepherine
Polyadrenaline....more powerful than Plain Adrenaline
Lectrazinre.....for cardiovascluar problem
Hyperzine.....Cadriac stimulant
Benjisdrine..... Vulcan cardiac drug
Dexalin..........for Oxygen detrivation
Pulomzine.....Breathing sitmulant to aid humanoids
with breathing Difficulties
Triox compound.......Making breathing in thin air easier

Merphenolog....pain and convulsions
Triptacederin......Pain killer
Asinolythin.... Pain med
Hydrocortilene....pain med

Inaprovaline...radiation induced injuries used with
Chloromydacide as secondary treatment
Hyronalin.....Mild radiation treatment

Dermal Gel........ Minor burn treatment
Kelotane...more serious burn treatment
both used with Dermal Regenerator

Cateline... Anphylactic shock
Glucajen.... for Hypoglacimia
Metorapan Treatment...... bone frature regenoration
Alizine ........ Alleric reaction
Inpedrezine.... Head injuries
Neodextraline....dehydration solution
Lexorin..........for Mental Disoreintation
Tytophan .... Flu like Virus treatment
Hydroxazine... for Dizziness
Metropropanolamine.....radiation sickness
Baytirl.... Antibiotic
Conofite 3%... internal paracite control suspention
(oral med nasty taste)
Triozine...upset stomach
Carboxin... poisoning
Flexoril - Tight muscles or pulls & strains
R'athtock....Vulcan Energy Drink
We will be adding to this site so check back often

Acinolyathin: A painkiller Bashir gave O'Brien for his muscle spasms. [Visionary]

Adanine: One of the nucleotides included in the marking sequence that made up the cure to the Founders' disease. [Extreme Measures]

Anaerobic Metabolite: A medical substance. For his "cellular entertainment" chamber, Dr. Giger wanted two liters (later said to be five liters) of this, suspended in a hydrosaline solution. Jake and Nog obtained it from Bashir, in exchange for their retrieving Kukalaka from Leeta. [In the Cards]

Asporadine: One of the nucleotides included in the marking sequence that made up the cure to the Founders' disease. [Extreme Measures]

Benzocyatizine: A medication used to treat low isoboramine levels in Trills. [Equilibrium]

Biomemetic Gel: A medical substance, the sale of which is prohibited by Federation law. Even attempting to obtain it is a felony (presumably unless one is a doctor). This is because in the wrong hands, it can be used to make biogenic weapons, to conduct illegal replication experiments, or to develop organic explosives. Altovar attacked Bashir when the doctor caught him stealing it, after having refused to give or sell Altovar some. [Distant Voices]
Sisko ordered Bashir to release 85 liters of it, which Bashir did under protest after demanding to see the order in writing. The gel was traded to a source of Garak's in exchange for an optolythic data rod. [In the Pale Moonlight]

Cordaline: A drug Bashir called for when trying to revive Quark. [Necessary Evil]

Cordafin Stimulants: A drug Watters had been taking for two months, and was apparently addicted to. [Valiant]

Cordrazine: A stimulant. [Life Support,Distant Voices,The Quickening]

Corophizine: An antibiotic given by Bashir to O'Brien to prevent secondary infection when O'Brien was afflicted by the aphasia virus. [Babel]

Dermatiraelian Plasticine: A medication used to maintain skin elasticity after cosmetic surgery. Marritza's medical records showed that he had taken it for five years, proving he had had his face altered. [Duet]

Desegranine: A drug used by the Obsidian Order to allow blocked memories to resurface. [Second Skin]

Hyronalyn: A drug given by Bashir to O'Brien to counteract the effects of mild radiation poisoning. [Visionary]

Hyvroxilated Quintethyl Metasetamin: An anesthetic which Quark tried to get Bashir to ingest in a drink before the racquetball match with O'Brien. [Rivals]

Impedrazine: A drug used to follow up use of an osteogenic stimulator. 2 cc's were called for by "Sisko" inside Bashir's mind. [Distant Voices]

Inaprovaline: A drug Bashir gave Bareil to protect him against excess electrical stimulation. [Life Support]

Ketracel-white: The isogenic enzyme that the Jem'Hadar are "addicted" to. The supplies are controlled by the Vorta, under the Founders. The Jem'Hadar call it "white" for short. [Hippocratic Oath] One of its active ingredients is uridium bycantizine. [Statistical Probabilities] Note: in the movie Star Trek: Insurrection, it was mentioned that Ketracel-white had been manufactured by the Son'a. Ketracel-white was also erroneously referred to as a narcotic. A specific genetic defect must be in place before the need for Ketracel White arises.

Lytastolanine: One of the nucleotides included in the marking sequence that made up the cure to the Founders' disease. [Extreme Measures]

Makara Herbs: Bajoran herbs, recommended during pregnancy; they help maintain progesterone levels, though they taste horrible. They also act as a counteragent against sedatives. Furel and Lupaza brought Kira some. Though she was less than enthused by the gift, they enabled her to stay conscious when Prin tried to sedate her. [The Darkness and the Light]

Merfadon: A sedative given to Kira by Silaran Prin, but counteracted by the makara herbs she had taken. [The Darkness and the Light]

Morphogenic Enzymes: There were some residual ones in Odo's brain even though he had become a solid. When the runabout he, Sisko, Dax, and Garak were in encountered a plasma storm, the enzymes were activated, initiating a telepathic response. Odo's mind unconsciously reached out to Link with other Changelings, but only Sisko, Dax, and Garak were there, resulting in their sharing his flashback. [Things Past]

Numinol Tetramidaphin: 20 cc's were given by Bashir to Vargas to relieve fever and congestion. [The Siege of AR-558]

Ovarian Resequencing Enzymes: Given by Bashir to Dax to enable her to conceive a child with Worf. [Tears of the Prophets]

Pramazine: A poison developed by the Obsidian Order for use by operatives in case of capture. Death is quick, and the body is reduced to dust within hours, rendering it unidentifiable. Dukat's followers were going to take it in order to shed their corporeal bodies. [Covenant]

Radanine: One of the nucleotides included in the marking sequence that made up the cure to the Founders' disease. [Extreme Measures]

Seofurance Fragments: From a biosample container, found near the matter-reclamation unit in Ibudan's quarters. This led to the discovery that Ibudan had cloned himself. [A Man Alone]

Takaria Herbs: A Bajoran herbal medication which Bashir gave O'Brien for Kira's swollen ankles. He said she would need to dissolve them in fruit juice before ingesting them. [Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places]

Tessikide: Presumably a Bajoran hormone. Bashir was going to inject high doses into Kira to enable the O'Briens' baby to metabolize Bajoran nutrients. [Body Parts]

Triox: A drug which strengthens the human cardiopulmonary system. It can be used to compensate for excess carbon dioxide in an atmosphere. Triox is standard in a Starfleet emergency survival kit. [The Sound of Her Voice]

Triptocederine: A drug Garak was taking to relieve the pain from his implant. He was up to 30 cc's a day, which Bashir said was enough to anesthetize an Algorian mammoth. [The Wire] Used to relieve the pain of Yarim-Fel syndrome. [Ties of Blood and Water]

Vasokin: An experimental drug used to increase blood flow to the organs, which Bashir used on Bareil to enable him to function normally for a time. In 22% of all cases, vital organs are irreversibly damaged, and Bareil was among them. [Life Support]

Voraxna Poison: Dukat sent a bottle of kanar, laced with enough of this to kill a dozen Cardassians, to Ghemor's quarters. The bottle was intercepted; Sisko offered a glass to Dukat and Weyoun. Dukat refused, but Weyoun cheerfully gulped it down. [Ties of Blood and Water]

The above material comes from Deep Space Nine Encyclopedia & Lexicon