General Orders to all Starfleet Officers

1st General Order (Prime Directive)
It is forbidden to interfere with the normal development of any culture or society. All losses are tolerated as long as they are necessary to observe this General Order.

2nd General Order
Under no circumstances, even not to protect his/her own life or that of his/her crew, an officer is allowed to do harm to an intelligent lifeform.
A break of this General Order is only tolerated if otherwise the Prime Directive would be offended.

3rd General Order
It is an officer's duty to use all devices under his or her command to protect the life of intelligent lifeforms, even if this means to endanger him/herself, or his/her ship. If an intelligent lifeform is harmed due to an officer acting or not acting this is treated equal as a violation of the 2nd General Order.

4th General Order:
An officer shall follow a superior's order at his or her best, unless these would result in a violation of the Prime, 2nd or 3rd General Order.

5th General Order
An officer shall use all his power to protect the safety of Starfleet, the United Federation of Planets, it's memberworlds and their representatives unless this would violate General Orders 1 to 4.

6th General Order
If the entire personnel on board a ship is deceased or would become incapable of acting during a period of 24 hours the ship should be destroyed to prevent other lifeforms or ships from being contaminated.

7th General Order
[Formerly: Under any circumstances ever, even if in a case of emergency, a Federation ship is not allowed to visit Talos IV. Ignoring this General Order will lead to a death penalty.]

8th General Order
No Federation ship is allowed to enter the Romulan Star Empire, unless this is justified by General Order 1 to 5.
General Order was modified in 2297: "Klingon territory" removed

9th General Order
No Federation ship is allowed to visit a planet or star system that was put under quarantine by the United Federation of Planets or the Starfleet, unless this necessary by General Order 1 to 5.
10th General Order
An Starfleet officer is responsible under laws and orders of the United Federation of Planets, its memberworlds and their representatives, including Starfleet. He or she is subject to any prosecution by authorities under the named laws.

11th General Order
A Starfleet officer shall respect contracts and bondings made by the United Federation of Planets and their memberworlds and provide any aid requested by the signers of those contracts or bondings.

12th General Order
While approaching a ship when no communication has been made or isn't possible, safety procedures are to be held.

13th General Order
While wearing a starfleet uniform an officer is prohibited to give informations or equivalent aid to the Federation's enemies or to groups which represent a danger for the Federation, its memberworlds or their representives.

14th General Order
An officer shall not act improper or indecent or show an offensive or modesting behaviour against other lifeforms.

15th General Order
No flag officer shall beam into a hazardous area without armed escort.

16th General Order
An officer can be convicted by at least three commanding officers for a crime violating Starfleet General Orders or Federational laws.

17th General Order
In absence of the commanding officer, if he or she gets killed or if he or she is misfit or incapable the highest officer by rank takes over command, even if he or she does not belong to the standard personnel on board.

18th General Order
An officer is not allowed to start or to take part in a mutiny against his or her superiors. Mutiny will be judged as violation of the 4th General Order.

19th General Order
An officer can be recalled from duty at any time if he or she is judged to be incapable of fulfilling his duty for medical or psychological reasons by the ship's medical officer or by two commanding officers.

20th General Order
Federation ships shall give any aid and support requested by registered private or commercial ships from the the United Federation of Planets, and they are allowed to take disciplinic or offensive actions against illegal acting ships or hostile ships operating in federational territory.

21st General Order
A Federation ship is not allowed to transport any substance or freight, which is classified as illegal by the Federartion, nor an illegal quantity of any susbtance or freight, nor any weapon not registered by the Federation's tradeoffice. Destructive lifeforms also fall under this General Order. Federation ships are allowed to search a ship under suspect of smuggling and to confiscate any found smuggled goods.

22nd General Order
At contact with a planet who does not make any progress in its evolution or which is under foreign control an officer is allowed to make changes within the social structure with the aim to lead the planet on a course towards a technological civilisation.
Any misuse of this General Order is regarded as violating the Prime Directive.

23rd General Order
The destruction of one or more intelligent lifeforms is only allowed to prevent a violation of the Prime Directive, and also only if there is no other way to prevent this violation.
Any misuse of this General Order is regarded as violation of the 2nd General Order.

24th General Order
The destruction of the entire intelligent life on the surface of a planet is only allowed, if the inhabitants of the named planet have severely violated the Prime Directive. Such an action can only be ordered by a commanding officer with captain's rank or higher. This officer is solely responsible for this action.
Any misuse of this General Order is regarded as violating the Prime Directive.


Omega Directive
The omega particle, given its potential destructive nature towards subspace, is a threat to space-fearing civilizations throughout the galaxy. For this reason, any and all omega particles found by Starfleet must be destroyed. This Directive comes before all other, including the Prime Directive.