STAR TREK: ODYSSEY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         [INDEX] [INFOBANK] [SKILLS]
Academy Training and Courses

General Studies

All Cadets are required to take a core set of courses used to teach a number of skills. All Cadets are required to take these courses, regardless of their fields of study. If any of these courses are in a cadet's Major or Minor field of study, the higher requirement takes precedence. 

The skills obtained from these core courses are as follows:

Weapons: Phasers 
Unarmed Combat (or specialized unarmed combat type) 
Computer Operation 
Computer Programming 
Electronics Operations: Sensors 
Electronics Operations: Transporters 
First Aid 
History: Federation 
Language: (Federation Standard) 
Language: (any non-native) 
Law: Federation 
Pilot: Shuttlecraft 
Starfleet Protocol 
Vacc Suit Operations 
Xenobiology: General 
Xenology: General 
Zero-G Operations 

The fields to Major and Minor in are:

Judge Advocate General 
Marines (Trained at Starfleet Marine Academy) 

At the end of the second year of Academy training, Cadets should choose a Major and Minor course of study from the above list. Following is the list of the skills taught within each field.

Communications Majors provide both audio and video communications with personnel on ship and on planets, and provide an interface with Starfleet Command through the subspace radio on board. 

Generally, Cadets who Major in Communications will Minor in Security. Those Cadets are working towards becoming Tactical Officers on board a Starship. Some Cadets interested in Command may also Minor in Helm/Navigation. Those Cadets will also want to attend Command School. 

Training includes:

Electronics Operations: Communications 
Electronics Operations: Security 
Electronics: Communications 
Electronics: Computers 
Electronics: Sensors 
General Services: (specialty) 
Language: Federation Standard 
Language: (Non-Native) 
Psychology: (Terran) 
Starfleet Protocol 
Xenobiology: General 
Xenology: General 
Xenology: (specialty) 


Counselors act as general overseers of the crew's mental well- being. They give advice and guidance for personal problems that crewmembers may have. If necessary, they can provide psychiatric and psychological treatment and care. Counselors can also refer clients to other medical personnel for more conventional treatments. They work closely with the Chief Medical Officer. They may have several more Language, Psychology, and Xenology skills than the requirements below. Counselors do not have to choose a Minor. 

Training includes:

Diagnosis: (Terran) 
Diagnosis: (native or non-Terran) 
Diagnosis: (non-native -and- non-Terran) 
Electronics Operations: Life Support 
Electronics Operations: Medical 
Language: (non-native) 
Physiology: (Terran) 
Physiology: (native or non-Terran) 
Psychology: (Terran) 
Psychology: (native or non-Terran) 
Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran) 
Xenobiology: General 
Xenology: General 
Xenology: (non-native) 
Xenophysiology (non-native -and- non-Terran)


Engineering personnel provide the necessary repair and upkeep of equipment aboard ship. It is suggested that prospective Engineers select one (or more) Engineering skills to specialize in. 

Note that Starfleet Engineers, at first, are primarily concerned with the various electronics systems throughout the ship. This is due to the Federation's heavy use of electronic equipment for almost every function. The only non-electronic equipment aboard most ships are the Warp drives and Impulse engines. However, Engineers can specialize in any Engineering or Mechanic field, because Starfleet encourages research and development of newer and better systems. 

Cadets Majoring in Engineering usually take Helm /Navigation as their Minor. Some smaller ships may use the Engineer as a back-up commander. Those Engineers may Minor in Operations, and will want to go to Command School. 

Training includes:

Armoury: Phasers 
Armoury: Photon Torpedoes 
Armoury: Starship Phasers 
Electronics: Communications 
Electronics: Computers 
Electronics: Deflector Shields 
Electronics: Life Support 
Electronics: (specialty) 
Electronics: Sensors 
Electronics: Transporters 
Engineer: (specialty) 
Engineer: Impulse Drives 
Engineer: Warp Drives 
Mechanic: (specialty) 
Mechanic: Impulse Drives 
Mechanic: Warp Drives 
Subspace Mechanics

Helm & Navigation

Helm and Navigation personnel provide the ship with pilots and co-pilots. They also provide the ship with experienced Shuttlecraft and Runabout pilots and co-pilots. 

Generally, Cadets who Major in Helm/Navigation are Cadets who eventually wish to become Commanders themselves. Those cadets will also wish to attend Command School. 

Appropriate Minors include Communications, Operations, and Engineering. 

Training includes:

Astrogation: Warp Drive 
Electronics Operations: Communications 
Electronics Operations: Deflector Shields 
Electronics Operations: Photon Torpedoes 
Electronics Operations: Starship Phasers 
Electronics: Computers 
Electronics: Deflectors 
Gunner: Photon Torpedoes 
Gunner: Starship Phasers 
Pilot: Runabout 
Pilot: Starship 
Strategy: Space 
Subspace Mechanics 
Tactics: Space 


This is the major for Cadets that wish to join the Starfleet Intelligence Service (SFI). Intelligence Cadets study a program which will prepare them for a variety of positions within SFI including field operations, intelligence analysis, SIGINT collection, and many others. Cadets are encouraged to choose a government or organization as a specialty to study during their time at the Academy. Some examples include the Cardassian Union, the Dominion and the Borg. 

Intelligence Cadets usually take courses in Communications, Operations or Security , but any other division can be taken as a Minor. 

Training includes:

Electronics Operations: Communications 
Electronics Operations: Security Systems 
Electronics: Communications 
Electronics: Sensors 
Intelligence Analysis 
Language: (specialty) 
Pilot: Runabout 
Psychology: (specialty) 
SIGINT Collection/Jamming 
Starfleet Protocol 
Strategy: Space 
Survival: (specialty) 
Tactics: Small Units 
Unarmed Combat 
Weapons: Phaser 
Xenology: (specialty) 

Judge Advocate General
(Currently N/A for use in ST:ODY)

This Major is for cadets who wish to join the Starfleet Judge Advocate General's Corps. The fleet's JAGs are responsible for the investigation, prosecution, and defense of the men and women enlisted in Starfleet. In addition, they practice interplanetary, operation, labor, contract, environmental, tort, and administrative law. In addition, Starfleet Judge Advocates assist in the development and ratification of treaties and act as legal advisors to members of the admiralty. Each JAG officer is responsible for a certain group of individuals, or sphere of influence, in Starfleet. 

Each cadet will obtain an interplanetary law degree during their time in the Academy. Starfleet Judge Advocates uphold and protect the rights of Starfleet personnel and the virtues of the Federation and Starfleet Charters. Newly commissioned judge advocates receive immediate responsibility in handling significant legal issues. They encounter a diversified, challenging and rewarding law practice stationed throughout the Federation. 

Cadets Majoring in JAG usually take Operations as their Minor. 

Training includes:

History: Federation 
Law: Federation: (general) 
Law: Federation: Administrative 
Law: Federation: Claims 
Law: Federation: Contracts 
Law: Federation: Criminal 
Law: Federation: Interplanetary 
Law: Federation: Operational 
Law: (non-Federation) 
Language: (non-native) 
Psychology: (Terran) 
Psychology: (native or non-Terran) 
Starfleet Protocol 
Xenology: General 
Xenology: (non-native) 


Medical personnel provide day-to-day medical care to the people aboard ship, and treat injuries just like any other doctor. 

Medical Cadets do not usually Minor in any other field, but are required to take four elective skills, which may be any science or medical skill. More than two specialization fields are encouraged by Starfleet, but not required. Ship's Doctors should consider taking at least one Medicine: (other race) skill for most of the races that they would normally come in contact with during normal ship's operations. Each racial skill must be learned separately. 

Medical Cadets have generally completed medical studies on their respective homeworlds, and thus generally start their Academy training at age 25. They go through a different type of training program than do any other type of Cadet. The Academy medical training lasts eight years, but does not include an internship. 

Training includes:

Biology (or Xenobiology: (specialty)) 
Biochemistry (or Xenobiochemistry: (specialty)) 
Diagnosis: (Terran) 
Diagnosis: (native or non-Terran) 
Diagnosis: (non-native -and- non-Terran) 
Electronics Operations: Life Support 
Electronics Operations: Medical 
Electronics Operations: Sensors 
Physician: (Terran) 
Physician: (native or non-Terran) 
Physician: (non-native -and- non-Terran) 
Physiology: (Terran) 
Physiology: (native or non-Terran) 
Psychology: (Terran) 
Psychology: (native or non-Terran) 
Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran) 
Xenophysiology: (non-native -and- non-Terran)


This is the Major for Cadets who wish to pursue advancement in the command line fields of Starfleet. 

Operations Majors provide an interface between the day-to-day normal activities of the crew on board ship and the command personnel. Operations personnel study a program designed to give them a working knowledge of all other divisions in Starfleet. Ops Officers are frequently trained to become commanders themselves. The Ops Cadet usually takes courses in both Communications and Helm/Navigation, but can take any other division as a Minor. 

Training includes:

Astrogation: Warp Drive 
Electronics Operations: Communications 
Electronics Operations: Photon Torpedoes 
Electronics Operations: Starship Phasers 
Electronics Operations: Security Systems 
Electronics: Communications 
Electronics: Computers 
Electronics: Sensors 
Gunner: Photon Torpedoes 
Gunner: Starship Phasers 
Pilot: Runabout 
Pilot: Starship 
Strategy: Space 
Tactics: Small Units 
Tactics: Space 


Science personnel provide the investigative research for ships and transmit that information back to Starfleet Command. Science personnel are also useful on landing parties and at Starbases. 

Starfleet requires the Sciences Cadet to study at least two additional specializations. They may be from any science field, though they are usually non-Medical. If Sciences is chosen as a Minor, no specializations are needed. 

Note that in the Trek era, "Sciences" are not limited merely to the so-called "hard" sciences. Social sciences are also considered important by Starfleet. Good examples of this kind of science officer in action are in the TOS episode "Who Mourns For Adonis", where we saw Carolyn Palamas acting as the "Archaeology & Anthropology" officer in the landing party. Another example was Marla McGivers, the Ship's Historian (and Khan's intended) from "Space Seed". Within these rather broad limitations, any science skills can be chosen for fields of specialization. 

Training includes:

Biochemistry (or Xenobiochemistry: (specialty)) 
Botany (or Xenobotany: (specialty)) 
Comparative Archaeology: (race) 
Ecology (or Xenoecology: (specialty)) 
Genetics (or Xenogenetics: (specialty)) 
Physiology: (Terran) 
Physiology: (specialty) 
Subspace Mechanics 
Xenobiology: General 
Xenology: General 
Zoology (or Xenology: (specialty)


Security forces provide basic police duties on ship, as well as protective duties to landing parties. Some Security personnel will take additional training as Starfleet Marines. 

The Normal Minor field for Security is Communications. The Security Officer (also called the Tactical Officer) is usually expected to operate the ship's communications systems. 

Training includes:

Weapons: Phaser 
Unarmed Combat 
Electronics Operations: Phaser Cannons 
Electronics Operations: Security Systems 
Gunner: Phaser Cannon 
Federation Martial Arts: (Anbo-Jytsu) 
Vehicle training 
Small weapons combat 
Psychology: (Terran) 
Survival: (choose) 
Tactics: Small Units

Cadet Cruise

After completing classwork at the Academy, Cadets are usually sent on a one-year cruise in space, where their performance is evaluated by officers in the field. During that cruise, the officer-in-training carries the rank of Cadet (Cdt) or Officer Cadet (OCdt) for the Marines. This rank is considered to be one below Ensign, but still an officer's grade and rank. Sometimes, due to extremely good performance of duties, a Cadet will be promoted to Acting Ensign (with an increase in pay and rank) in the field. 

Cadet Cruise Assignments may include:

Special Assignment 
Starship Division 
Exploration Division 
Military Division 
Colonization Division 
Marines Division 
Starbase Division

Command School

Cadets who want to become Department Heads or Top Command personnel are usually required to attend Command School for two years following their Cadet Cruise. At Command School, they will obtain the following skills important for holding positions of responsibility and authority over other officers. 

Department Heads are defined as the persons holding the following positions:

Chief Engineer 
Chief Medical Officer 
Tactical Officer 
Chief Science Officer 
Chief of Conn 

Top Command personnel are:

First Officer 
Chief of Operations 
Training includes:
Astrogation: Warp Drive 
Computer Operations 
Computer Programming 
Electronics Operations: Sensors 
General Services: (specialty) 
History: Federation 
Law: Federation 
Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran) 
Strategy: Space 
Tactics: Small Units 
Tactics: Space 
Xenology: (Romulan or Borg)

Non-Commissioned Personnel

Non-Commissioned personnel (NCP) join Starfleet for a career, but do not aspire to achieve commissioned rank. They fill the jobs of the day-to-day operations of the ship. They usually join Starfleet at age 18 and go through a shorter education than Cadets. They may choose a career in one of these fields: Engineering, Science, Security, or Services.