The End of the World as We Know It

      The end, the end of our world, our lives, of everything will arrive one day. The end of our universe
will undoubtedly come millennia from now in most probably two different ways. Either it expands forever
and becomes desolate or it will contract into its original size causing an immense explosion. This however,
is not the end of our world since it will most likely expire long before the universe. Many consider Earth
our world and if that is the case it would be destroyed by the sun thousands of generations from now, but
that is not the case. Human civilization could have departed from Earth and been living in some other place
or it could have perished long before that time. Therefore the world in which we live is not Earth but the
society created by humans and has much more than the single scenario that Earth has.
       Nuclear Holocaust is a theory of how civilization will end. With many countries having nuclear
arms readily available the threat is real or so experts believe. I, on the other hand, think that threat vanished
at the end of the Cold War. I mean, who is gonna set off a nuke in these times, nuclear weaponry is being
decreased every year and the only countries that could be a threat are third world. Though no enemy should
be under-estimated, these guys can’t possibly have that powerful a bomb (meaning that their nuke isn’t
very powerful, not that they couldn’t have one).  So I officially dub Nuclear Holocaust a dispensable
      Environmentalists warn that pollution and global warming will destroy us all. This is true.
Essentially if pollution and ozone depletion continues ultimately it will vanquish or noble race (along with
many other species). I have no suggestions on how to remedy the situation or care to think of any. This
probably won’t be the end of us anyway. There are many other things that would kill quicker.
      This one’s outlandish, but I’ll mention it anyway. Meteors. Yes, meteors are hazardous to human
existence.  If we are unfortunate enough some big roving rock will smack right into us ending the world
rather quickly. And though the movies Armageddon and Deep Impact were neato, destruction by meteors
      Here’s a good one, aliens. Yeah, these things can come in and destroy really quickly and the only
thing that can save us is… disease (what, no one saw that one? (or read it?)). Hey, it’s possible.
      The previous submission sounded a bit like a cheesy movie, but I promise this’ll be better. In the
not too far future, we’ll say 1984… err… I mean 2084, there will surely be advancements in A.I. and
robotics. We’ll have working robots that are almost human. These robots would do all sorts of nifty stuff
like cook or clean. Inevitably, some will create robots that can learn and think for themselves. This idiot
will have created the end of man. They’d figure out that cleaning toilets and cookin’ food for ungrateful
weaklings (robots are made of metal) and would start a revolution. A terminator-esque battle would ensue,
without that crappy ‘time-travel back to the past to save the future’ crap, and the robots (made of metal
mind you) would obliterate human civilization, thus ending ‘our world’.
      To sum up, there are many scenarios of the cessation of the world. Out of these, the most feasible
is terminator-like frag-fest, which is most certainly the most tubular way of going out. So enjoy yourself
until we’re all dead by getting laid or… something.