"There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance."
Inane Ramblings.

The Greatest Teachers of All Time.

speech from the '00 campaign...that I wasn't allowed to read.

tribute to the greatest cartoon series ever.

Here are
some steps on surviving the big house.

This place sucks.

Theory of Creation.

My Guarantee, the only one you can trust.

Let's talk about
sex, baby.

advertisement I made for my site. Let me know how it is. And yes, though it is kind of stupid, I did think of advertising.

Finally, the long awaited
attractive girl guide.

Attractive girl guide: revised.

English class is second worst class of the day.

Everyone knows
movies based on video games are the worst.

Something I wrote for Italian class. It's nearly indecipherable... for the illiterate.

Girl guides by the experts:
Heffer and LaMartina. Listen to Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie while reading them. Why? Because it's a good song of course.

female guide that was a collaborative effort by the greatest judges of beauty ever. Changes by Bowie sure goes well with this one since it is the fifth top ten in two weeks.

Worst Episode Ever. A tribute to The Simpsons or a debasemant of the Observer? I would wager on the latter.

tribute to the greatest rock band of all time.

scene straight from one of "those" videos. (Note: It has come to my attention that there  are those that may make insinuations about whom the characters are based on, even though I stated that any likenesses were coincidental. Therefore, I am disclosing that the male character is loosely based on myself and the female is based on a generic comely female (similar to those in porn) and not in any way based on a certain young Calculus teacher in Gates-Chili High School, and she doesn't match the sparse description anyway. The theme itself was inspired by various movies.)

piece by the great Phil LaMartina.

If I were to give a
speech at graduation it would go something like this.

Board games, beloved board games.

This is what I thought of

Diluted Delusions of Granduer
? (No, I don't mean deluded. So screw you!)

review of the famed Johnny Stecchino... In Italian of course.

Quit in style using this
Letter of Resignation.

Top Ten Alcoholic Beverages of all time.

Bullshit Written for a Scholarship: Part II

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                                                Holy crap! A third page.
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