"Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; I'm not even sure about the universe."
                      - Einstein
Here are the aritcles:

Sonuvabitch! Not another God forsaken
Top Ten!

The best three tunes from the days of 16-bit.

The Fierce Battle
Dancing Mad
Slam Shuffle

They are all from the glorious FF6 in the ever so popular midi format.

AP scores.

Flesh is tasty, is it not?

Want your very own Official Illusory Utopia Wallpaper!
Click Here.

article by someone other than me... a female someone too.

An in depth
appraisal of man's pathetic state.

If you're not depressed now maybe the words of a man in utter
despair will realign your attitude.

Today I was driving down route 11B  when I passed the Bangor cemetary so I decided to pay it a visit. As I was walking through the pathetically small abode of the dead (it didn't even have a masoleum) I could only think, "How fortunate are the dead for they lie interred in earth in peaceful eternal respite while I have to endure the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' in this wretched existence known as life."

With each passing moment I lose a little piece of my sanity. Soon I will truly be insane.

The worst
essay I've ever read In my life.

attempt at introspectively defining life.

Illusory Utopia boxes programmed by the master programmer Jason Oehlbeck.
Note: Save to disk. Do not open from current location or it will not work correctly.

I'm trapped in my own prison. How can I escape? I can never escape.

I took an hour long walk tonight in thirty degree weather (fahrenheit) to an area behind an episcopal church with the most exquisite view. It was remarkable; vapor was coming off the water's surface because it was so much warmer than the atmosphere. It's beauty allowed me to disect social and philosophical questions with outstanding clarity, but my thoughts came to rest on the notion that the sight would have been much better if shared with another. But with whom could I share it? I'm so pathetic; I don't have the slightest clue.

How patheitc am I? I have no prospects and my thoughts have ventured toward certain aspects of Platonism. How utterly dissapointing is this? Very.

What exactly is
The Vodka Incentive?

A new Illusory Utopia

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Perception is reality. Reality is not real. This is not real. This is perception. Perception is reality. We're not here. Perception is reality. Reality isn't real. Perception is reality. I'm not here. This isn't happening. Reality is not real. Perception is reality. Perception is reality. Perception is reality.