Lethargy Prevails (Aphorisms)

1. Even with a great desire for progress most stagnate.
2. No matter how empty or cold one feels one will eventually realize that his body is filled with organs and he is an endotherm.
3. They tell us to love, to care, to be kind and just but what they really mean is submit.
4. It’s not very difficult to love a friend or hate an enemy and even loving an enemy is easy, the true test is to hate a friend. Only through this can we become stronger. Yes, someone has said this before.
5. Truth is the last joke of the gods, and those of us with sharp senses can hear their laughter resonate through time.
6. Free time is a good thing but idleness causes us to fixate on our plights, diminishing our spirits. Keep busy.
7. Only foolish men avoid all pleasure to avoid pain.
8. Book burning is a horrible practice but there are some books that would benefit from it.
9. Pacifism is a fine ideal in regard to personal interactions. However, pacifism in political interactions is not advised.
10. Without any great wars there is nothing to define a people. What do they have to be proud of? What conquests could possibly be made to unify them?
11. In inclement weather we see thousands of walking corpses.
12. Everyone who fights for freedom secretly wants their rights to be taken away.
13. Every generation is sculpted by great struggles. Consequently, the last few generations in America are just lumps of clay.
14. A man is at his best when fighting for his beliefs. A man dies best when dying for his beliefs. The worst deaths are those for someone else’s.
15. After walking forward for a long time we often wish to go back.
16. Even through deception a man discloses the truth about his personality.
17. A: “Let’s go to a place where all are free and equal.” B: “There is no such place. You can only be either free or equal.”
18. The only way to improve is to be injured almost to the point of destruction.
19. A: “The very rich must be very happy.” B: “They have too much time to be happy.”
20. In the future whatever sentient beings that exist will wonder about what we have done.
21. Every creature is perfect in that it has everything needed for its survival in its environment.
22. At the end of a civilization its remnants should locked in a cellar which can never be opened.
23. A: “Enhancing myself will make me better.” B: “Destroying yourself will be of greater benefit.”
24. The only real temptation is to be normal.
25. Life is infinity. Eternal life is unnecessary.
26. To start anew we must burn everything down.
27. We can do anything that is possible.
28. A: “I wish to avoid pain completely.” B: “Then you will never be happy.”
29. The longest thing man can experience is life.
30. A month has come and gone as all months do.
31. Not even dead men can experience peace.
32. Vagaries, every one.
33. A: “Lethargy always prevails.” B: “Yes, it does.”