The Meaning of Life

      After days of deep thought and thorough deliberation I’ve come to the realization that that
enigmatic question “What is the meaning of life?” has only one answer.  That answer, of course, is
procreation, which for you laymen means reproduction. You people may be thinking, “ Only an idiot would
apply science to society. Don’t you remember the travesty of Social Darwinism?” My answer to you is that
yes I remember that ill-fated movement when industrialists decided to apply Darwin’s theory of evolution
to human civilization. They contradicted themselves though, the greatest philanthropists of the time were
the firmest believers of the movement, which is rather ironic. And anyway, I’m not applying this to society.
I am applying this to humans as a species. Humans, like any other animal, strive to propagate to increase
population and to insure the survival of their species.       
      Many of you think of reproduction and sex synonymously, which isn’t entirely wrong. Sex is the
only way (at least that I know of) to reproduce but they are not the same. Anyway, sex is the driving force
behind any human action. Doing something to “get some” is common practice among men and women of
any sexual preference. It can be observed basically anywhere, like the halls of a school for instance. I’d to
share some anecdotes with you folks that prove I’m right (some are made up and others have changed

Anecdote 1:
Little Timmy is an impressionable freshman. He has recently gone through puberty and is looking for some
action at this wholesome age. Instead of being original or creative he goes to a horrid store such as
American Eagle and gets “trendy” clothes; thinking that clothes make him cool and thus get him laid.

Commentary 1:
Timmy is an idiot, but I can explain why he would get such clothing. Timmy is obviously trying to make
up for something he lacks. Be it intelligence or penis size, he thinks he can remedy it with “popular style”.

Anecdote 2:
Miss Jamie Lynn gets back with her boyfriend a third time. She says its because she can’t help her feelings.

Commentary 2:
Miss Jamie Lynn says she got back with him because of her feelings, which most likely means love. She is
mostly likely confused because love doesn’t really exist. Love is the brain’s justification of wanting to
breed with only one person.

Anecdote 3:
Little Jimmy is an over-aggressive male of about 25 years of age. He hasn’t gotten any, ever. He is rather
depressed and fed up, so he decides to rape someone.

Commentary 3:
Jimmy is a bastard. All over-aggressive sexually depraved men act similarly. His depravation and blatantly
small intellect cause him to take drastic action. I’m not justifying rape of course; there is no reason for it. If
someone is very desperate for sex, get a hooker. I know I would.

That’s all for the anecdotes and I’m quite certain that they prove my point completely and thoroughly
(yeah, so what if it’s redundant).
      To finish up I’d like to say that the only contradictions to my theory are people who abstain from
sex. I really can’t explain voluntary celibacy (however, involuntary celibacy can be fully explained at
Lucas Heffer's site.) Some may think they’re better people because of it but they’re unmistakably wrong. And who the hell would remain celibate because religion says so? Don’t they know that if everyone wanted to be totally faithful to God, Allah or whatever the human animal would become extinct? Anyway, a Higher Power would definitely understand if people chose to populate the Earth rather than pray all day or something.