Mrs. Berrardi

          Just about every physics student in Gates-Chili knows or at least has heard of Mrs. Berrardi. Most
of these people probably wonder how or why she was hired. How was a 50 something year old teacher
available in the middle of the school year? I wonder. And having not talked to Berrardi this article probably
is extremely biased. Most students that have her consider her not a very good teacher and those that don’t
are thankful that the hands of fate hadn’t forsaken them. Why is she so bad? Well let’s look at the statistics.
Last year out of all her students that took the AP only one received AP credit, Chris McEntee, with a mark
of three on the exam. How is this possible? She blames it on a lack of an extra period a week to conduct
class in. I don’t see how that is the case because I gave up my free period this year to learn but we don’t
actually learn anything in that period (just like all the other periods). Also on a certain day (no I don’t
remember which) she was proven wrong and taught by my good buddy Jason Oehlbeck on how to find
instantaneous velocity. If a teacher is being taught on the subject matter that she went to college for she
shouldn’t be a teacher. As you can see this is intensely biased, that’s because I don’t really like her. She
threatened to call my house because I don’t take notes in class and don’t do homework. She never did call
and today, November 6, 2001, she stated, in front of the class mind you, that I, on account of my getting
really high grades on tests and quizzes and because it’s a “college level course” (ha! yeah right), don’t have
to take notes or do homework if I choose not to. As you can see I won this battle and this shouldn’t happen.
No teacher should cave so easily. And if they’re not going to enforce their regulations they shouldn’t make
them (or get mad about them) in the first place. I hope Berrardi has a nice first (and final) year at Gates-

PS Any questions, comments, or praises (or hot chicks) contact me: or (for those of
you w/o a computer or internet access) (585) 426-6701