The Spies: An Essay on Paranoia

    Upon quick inspection of the title notions of espionage are certainly evoked. However, if an individual looks deeper it may be ascertained that this is about the constant insecurity that encompasses the multitude. There may be those so callow to say they do not endure this worry, this condition, but they are simply oblivious to it. Others that claim it is a neurosis suffered by a meager few and is of no import may exist, but they are blind to the world’s suffering. Across the continents of the living sphere terror is induced by the thought of silent shadows observing every moment of one’s existence, every single intimate moment. These shadows are personified by various things and have also been explored in literature (which will not be discussed here). They are ever prevalent entities that arouse suspicion at the slightest intimation of any sort of malfeasance, any sort of invasion. Unbelievably, there are those who disagree, who don’t see them, but soon they will and hence, no longer doubt.
    The primary idea the populace has of this wrongdoing causes one to recall the phrase “Big Brother,” while giving a nod to Orwell for exposing this transgression and then hyperbolizing it. Yes, the perception that society’s great benefactor has been looking in on its denizens has existed for quite some time but could not be truly feasible until the advent of the adequate technologies. Even prior to 1984 the capability to behold undisclosed elements of the public’s lives were extant and have solely become more efficient through the passing of time. Soon enough a Gestapo no larger than that of Nazi Germany may be able to quell any sort of dissidence around the globe. And there are those that doubt this could ever be, but how can one doubt when, although they are not the finest exemplars of freedom or democracy, the United States Government is preparing its citizens for martial law? Anyway, by no means should one expect democracy to save them from such indiscretion for it has never been a haven for freedom; it has never been more just than monarchs or dictators for a mob is as cruel and corrupt as a single man (or woman for you feminists, which is in no way a compliment or an attempt at appeasement, i.e. it is an insult). If one queries proof of this there is no need to examine current national establishments for one can simply read of the “idyllic” democracy of Athens and they will see that within lay a seamy corruption (which has a slight air of redundancy but sounds nice). Undoubtedly, such an atrocity can, and most probably will, occur some time in the nonexistent future (allusion), but for now it shall suffice for us to be taunted by the all-seeing eye.
    The more likely perpetrator is also the least likely to be indicted of the charge for one would never expect one of their own to betray them. Now you may be thinking, “So, my kin or my people may be the ones to perpetrate this offense,” and you would be correct. Of course, you would not be wholly correct for any individual, regardless of their sort of affiliation, can slyly lurk and abscond with your with your essence, not solely those of relation or similar descent. There are those that may ascribe this distrust to alienation, but their view is undeniably obscured or maybe it is that they are the ones who are not to be trusted. Some may claim that this doubt results from some malignancy grafted upon the psyche, which in some cases may be a verity, but most often it is not. These individuals are ignorant to the infiltrators among us who burrow beneath our flesh and into our cognition, looting its stores, and fleeing, thus rendering the task complete. Well then, how would one recognize such vile creatures, it is not as though they are as conspicuous as sociopaths. Obviously these individuals are capable of disguising their malicious vocation to a degree which makes it indiscernible. There is no method through which one could discern an agent and so the best advice would be to remain wary of all others. And in spite of this she torments me.
     So you see they are all around us. Behind the façade they disappear awaiting their objective to become weary, to become careless. Then they strike. They escape with our precious secrets which we have unknowingly placed before them. And those who still do not see them will be their first victims, whilst they remain oblivious. Finally, remember that your assent matters not.