antichrist antichrist antichrist well then what have we become? all notions cease the ego is dead do you see how it ends? the end is endless it has no end so how can you were going there or were they coming here no you think it true but it's fallacy pretty woman how captivating you are now gone forever witness to the war of redemption is nonexistant the dinosaurs roam the earth is in disrepair the plumber was called to fix it but we need an astrophysicist astrologers are false calumny exudes from the thelogian torrential rain with a ninety percent chance of death by sulleness causes crime but disease is psychosomatic which soma can heal so why not take a gramme and then damn us for our soul is sold to the illusory Lord of Night for jubilance the lake is filled to the brim and she wades through it unclad in natural beauty of light and shadow as the locks lead to the nine celestial bodies and their satellites of which europa cannot be had we remembered we would have realised sin is not extant and i peer into the eyes of the blue eyed girl i find a great attachment to her as though i have been concatenated by her golden strands her glasses have filled with the light of the world cannot illumine the universe and sorrow overcomes the mass and flesh exudes the odor of the noncorrupt as the gold haired seraph plunges her mighty spear into the abdomen of the Son of Man knowing now he has no future man submits to Her mighty will and praises the Almighty of the Sepulcher from which arises Anithesis the blonde mistress of my soul is a persistent mess of impertinence and oblivion stares so deeply into to us as to alert us of its probing is maternal and so the female does as easily as fostering a child has died at the hands of mercy to deliver us from evolution we are the doomed stem which cannot be saved even by regression the ape men are come to take their home and we shall relinquish it without further ado i present she who spawns from the darker spectrum whose eyes are of the browness and neutrality of the eternal mother with a mane of equal neutrality and here i find beauty as well as she bathes in the lifeblood of the planet elucidates to us the unity of the cosmos for all is made of void integrating bits of it daily expanding into it seemingly endlessly and stare now to the encroaching eternity realising our nonexistence yet practically becoming fabric with which existence is meshed and i look upon the golden seraph and the girl of the lake and the girl of the earth and see the celestial heavens and those beyond them to the unity of the singularity.