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Message from our Director of RE
Adult Religious Education (RE)

Greta Porter, Director of Religious Education
Greta's Column:
           Looking Ahead
If you think things are winding down for the summer in religious education, you are wrong.  “Gearing-up” is more like it, with planning, recruitment, and new offerings.

This summer, we are trying something brand-new, UU Church Camp.  On the evenings of July 7-11, our children and their friends will explore the Great Outdoors with science, movement, art, and music activities.  The final evening will be a family night with bonfire, dinner, singing and sharing.

I always look forward to teacher training.  Our wonderful RE teachers go the extra mile to make this training (September 7), develop their classroom teams, and establish their teaching schedules, as well as learn more about Unitarian Universalist religious education.

This September and October, our RE program for children and youth will concentrate on UU history.  We will culminate with an intergenerational history costume celebration on October 26.  So folks, make UU history and biographies part of your summer reading – check out the UUA Bookstore online at uua.org/bookstore.

Next fall, we will offer our Coming of Age program for youth in 8th grade and above.  I know my children’s participation in this important program solidified their identity as UUs and their commitment to Unitarian Universalism.

We will also offer OWL (Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education) for 10th-12 graders for the first time.  Kim Frankenfield-Pro and Kurt Kuntz have already attended the intensive facilitator training, and are looking forward to offering this important program to our youth.

Our adult RE program is growing as well.  Just as Marsha Albright and Greg Jarold are completing the OWL program with our 7th-8th graders, they have agreed to facilitate the Adult OWL program next church year.  They will attend another intensive facilitator training this fall.   The adult program builds understanding of healthy sexual relationships, affirms diversity and helps participants accept and affirm their own sexuality throughout the life cycle.

In addition, in adult RE, Susan and Dan McIntosh will offer Exploring Deep Ecology.  Lance Kennelty will facilitate A Chosen Faith.  Roxianne Moore will offer a writing class.  Carol Ballance is planning a UU history offering, and Rev. Carol Meyer will continue to offer classes on religion and spirituality.   

Looking forward to an exciting church year together, and wishing you all a terrific summer.  