Start your engines and join the 2004 V8 Challenge Online Championship!!!                       

PAST SEASONS           



S1 race results | Team points | Driver points | old events | old teams and drivers


Online Racing and FIG_JAM took the Team and Driver titles this season, almost doubling the team score from that of BJ Racing a distant second. OLR was on the beat ever since they entered the comp in round 4; took a 1-2 finish on Debut and went from there. Every other team had its problems, most registered players didnt turn up and the team points suffered as a result. Full credit to the OLR team and FIG_JAM, the champions of the first season of V8COC.

Team Champions: Online Racing

Driver Champion: FIG_JAM

Most attended rounds: bo0 (10)

Biggest winning strike rate: FIG_JAM (5 wins out of 10 rounds)

Wooden Spoon: Millennium Motorsport (5th place on 3 pts)


SEASON TWO NOV 2003 - FEB 2004:

S2 race results | Team points | Driver points |S2 events old teams and drivers


Season Two was always destined to be different to season one with more people starting the comp since the last season. New rule was introduced that you had to start round to prevent what happened last season, and we had more people joining us mid-season than starting!


The first 4 weeks were a tough road for the reigning champions, having not produced a winning result all year let alone a few podiums. The breadwinners of the first few rounds tended to dropout during the season which saw new drivers Deaksydeak, Servius and Pauly forming a super-team (Deak Ford Motorsport) and were reeling in good solid results and podiums. Servius had a dream debut season, after 5 weeks racing he clocked up DFM's first race win. In the last few weeks of the championship, DFM stormed home overtaking BJR in the team points and averaging about 15-20 points per round.


 However as the season progressed, OLR was showing their "back to best" form.  FIG_JAM displayed some excellent results for OLR, running away with the championship with an impressive 7 game winning streak.

 BJ Racing also improved, with the addition of  Gibbo and they too were producing some solid points and podiums along the way and much at times, were biting on the heels of OLR, with consistent third places.


We saw the return of Murf to V8COC, who had a bad debut season and joined mid-way this season to give it another crack. It seemed to pay off for him, producing good results from the single car team and some podiums along the way.

As ANTS departed from HMT, Skaife was left on his own for a few weeks and their championship chances started to slip. However with the addition of Firepower, the fire in the belly was returned and some solid performances followed. With the signing of Murf to HMT for 2004, watch out for the "red barons" next season.


Season two was one to remember for its extreme competition not just up-front, but in the mid-field as well. This season saw the biggest spread of winners yet, and Ford got off the board with a couple of race wins. OLR improved as the season went on with their impressive winning streak and consistency. Congratulations to OLR and FIG_JAM, reigning champions of season two.

Team Champions: Online Racing

Driver Champion: FIG_JAM (135 pts)

Most attended rounds: bo0 and FIG_JAM (11)

biggest winning strike rate: FIG_JAM (7 wins out of 12 rounds)

Wooden Spoon: xXx Racing (7th place on 12 pts)




S3 race results | Team points | Driver points |S3 events old teams and drivers

Season 3 was the biggest number of starters to date; the competition now spread over two divisions, both divisions were not quite at full capacity. As we saw an end of an era with the fall of the long-time greats OLR; a new one quickly took its place, #1 world V8C ranked lynx with HMT very much put the whole season into a sea of red. Now the record holder for the most amount of wins (12 out of the 13 rounds); the team could not hold the team championship spot.

Right behind lynx were the two purple and black commodores of the MAP racing team; both drivers of almost equal ability which would be classed as the "perfect team". Their season was not dominated with wins though (Pommie scoring the one remaining win that lynx did not receive), but consistency. Both cars were consistently in the top three week in week out, and although Misfit had a battle on his hands at times from fellow ford drivers Servius and bo0, he fared well. Servius was the big improver this season, really stepping up to the plate after his first win, and taking the commodores head on. Consistent for the majority of the season, he flew the ford flag and for his team DFM.

DFM's second season in V8COC was a rollercoaster ride so-to-speak, mixed with plenty of ups and downs. Although Servius was quite consistent up-front, team manager Deaksydeak had a up and down performance. For a couple of weeks in Deaksydeak's absence, star JV8COC driver Stido was hired to replace him for the sake of the team points. With this in mind, the team showed lots of potential, Servius scoring countless podium places. Finishing in the top three teams, unfortunately the team will be no more as the DFM Junior has disintegrated, and DFM drivers parting way as of the end of this season. In midst of the team's glory days, it all came to an abrupt end after 7 podiums, 1 win and 49 races.

Mike Crick was awarded Rookie of the Year, and in his opening season showed a lot of potential. he slowly got faster as the year progressed, and a valuable member for his team Redhat Racing, attending every round. In the early rounds before team manager Carlos decided to call it quits for  an extended period of time, the team were very consistent, just shy of the podium places. The boys at Redhat had their share of rookies too, fielding Greg mid season and Canon as a replacement for Carlos. All three racers together, they proved to be a dangerous combination, reaping the points in towards the end of the season.

Along with the idea of change, veteran bo0 fielded a new team to cater for his expanding team, but the woes were already there before the season started. Star driver Gibbo, which was growing in performance as season 3 saw its way out, backed out of the deal. In spite of a replacement, Vince was signed to the team for a short period after venturing out to start his own team. This left bo0 as sole-driver for the majority of the season for WSM, and although benefited from the one driver bonus, still did not suffice as another driver would. The team showed potential towards the end of the season, which is a good sign for next season.

Two of the teams started mid-season; Adidas Motorsport Racing and Athlon Computers racing, had a great battle in the points. They were head-to-head, only a couple of points separating them, until team manager for AMR Jason decided to pull out after 4 weeks. This left ACR and sole driver Vince to claim the spot, and had a quite consistent end to the season. ACR will expand into two cars; and also a multi-manufacturer team as of next season.

Team Champions: MAP Racing Team

Driver Champion: Lynx (553 pts)

Most attended rounds: Pommie, bo0, Skaife, Servius, Mike Crick  (13/13)

Biggest winning strike rate: Lynx (12/13)

Wooden Spoon: Adidas Motorsport Racing (8th place on 48 pts)



The season was packed-full of action, we saw three different winners take out at least one round, and we saw a formation of a new force, MAP that is. This season the team was unstoppable, both drivers Pommie and Misfit consistent all season, both drivers didn't miss a race. Both regularly paired together from the podium, despite through much of the season Misfit was plagued with wheel problems. They were all resolved come round 13, and from then on has been producing very fast and consistent races.

Their arch-nemesis rivals Westside Motorsport kept the fight up with them all season, that team too was very consistent producing numerous podium positions, many of which to gun driver Servius. WSM took up the fight with MAP in the team points, consistently matching even beating MAP on some occasions. It was not the best of seasons for the team owner bo0, although he improved a lot on last season, was plagued with bad performances due to equipment. With the short-term loss of the team manager for the first 4-5 weeks of the next season, WSM's strategy is to challenge MAP more than ever before.

Crick Racing also had an up-and-down season, team manager and gun driver Mike Crick building on his debut season and recording some very good performances, with two podium positions. His other two drivers Greg and Bob however are still coming to terms with their equipment and since the start of the season have showed some very consistent pace. Both drivers will be leaving the team next season, with Greg to start his own team and it is undecided for Bob. However like WSM, there were some good races and there were some shockers, with the bad ones really hitting the team hard in the team points. It was the team's debut season, which have confirmed a merger with Holden Motorsport Team, a deal that will well and truly will set them up in the future.

Holden Motorsport Team were battling with Crick Racing all season in the team points, with both teams recording fairly even performances. HMT suffered a huge blow after losing season three champion Lynx, who was forced into early retirement. Although still left with two very consistent drivers of team manager Skaife and Red-Line, who showed a few very good performances, and saw Skaife equalling his personal best of second place - the team still suffered with the lack of podium positions which they hope to improve on next season.

For Athlon Computers Racing, it was a competition of testing and development that will take them into the future. Team manager Vince and Skaife-fan are improving by the week; and are closing in fast on fellow drivers. Watch out for ACR next season, as they are an ever-improving team.

Next season will prove to be more exciting than ever; faster drivers and a faster competition. With Servius taking out the last round of season 4, is this a start of another dynasty? Or is it simply a message to MAP that anything is possible?

Team Champions: MAP Racing Team

Driver Champion: Pommie (516 pts)

Most attended rounds: Pommie, Misfit, Mike Crick, Skaife-fan, Vince  (14/14)

Biggest winning strike rate: Pommie (10/14)