Los Angeles    On 14th August 1990 we arrived in Los Angeles and went straight to Hotel Bona Venture to attend the annual convocation of Self Realization Fellowship founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.  3000 delegates attended the Convocation in one huge hall and another 3000 viewed on close circuit TV for a week.  Every year the SRF delegates  are offered special concessional tariff of $ 85  for a room instead of $ 250 a day !  Vinay came over from Wyoming and joined us with his American fellow devotees, Margeret, Judy, Bobby  and Margie.  Richard met us to collect the harmonium which we carried from India for the Denver Centre. He  offered to lend his Ford Station wagon to us during the duration of our stay for Vinay to take us around.  Shri  Manjunath Mahabaleshwar, Rekha's father was kind enough to provide us  the then scarce foriegn exchange ( A person could carry only $500 at that time) to make this trip possible.   He along with Rekha and Shree also attended the convocation. For 7 days there were series of lecture, meditation and exercise sessions  followed by a darshan of Dayamata on 7th day. We met DeAnn too.

We all rented a brand new Ford Auriga off the shelf  and Margeret drove it. We visited  the Mother Centre on Mt Washington,  Forest Lawn, Pasedona chapel, Lake Shrine and Hotel Biltmore, where Guruji attained his mahasamadhi

Mt Washington, California Stayed in Mt Washington with Mrs Loretta,  near SRF Mother Centre and  revisited the Mother Centre the next day. There we met Dave, Barbara and their children, Loa and Jennifer.  Here we saw Guruji's quarters, the Wishing Well, the Sun Dial and the beautiful gardens and meditated under a tree where Guruji used to meditate. We again  had a session with Dayamata.

Encinitas, California Stayed in a rented bungalow near Encinitas Ashram for a week. Here we saw the building where Guruji used to stay and the beautiful garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean. One day we all went to Hidden Valley Ashram and San Diego centre. On the 7th day  Reka, her father and Shri left for New York. Here we were invited by an Indian family for an Indian style bhajan, aarti and dinner.

Grand Junction We travelled with Dave, Barbara and children, Margeret, Judy, Margie and  Bobby  towards Denver in a convoy of 3 cars. On the way we saw Las Vegas and then stayed overnight in a beautiful house at Grand Junction.  Devotees brought a basketful of nectarines and joined us for lunch.

Laramie, Wyoming University. Next day we travelled through the Colorado Canyon where devotees brought us a basketful of nectarines and we all had lunch.. At  Denver Dave and Barbara had a huge apartment.  We sat in Dave/Barbara;s house till Vinay picked up the car from  Richard's house and  with that we proceeded to Laramie. Vinay rented an apartment for us to stay for 3 months. Daily we would visit the University complex and many Indian friends and families staying there. Had lunch at Professor Sharma's house, Priya's house and Vicky and MarkInvited Vinay's  professor's family for lunch.  Also had dinner with Vinay's host family-Johans, Robert and their daughters Jessica and

From Laramie, we visited Cheyene, the Capital city of Wyoming, Wodavoo and Silver Mountains during we

Denver, Colorado:  We stayed with Dave/Barbara for 5 days and visited themmoff and on ex Laramie.  Munir's family and we orgnised a lunch party followed by Vinay's sitar recital and othermusic programmes, after we attended a meditation session in the local chapel. There we met Brenda, Baiba and many others. Daily Dave/Barbara  would take us around Denver. One day Barbara dropped us  to an Imax theatre where we saw Grand Canyon film, where we experienced being there in the canyon itself.