Current Status
Here is where everything that is current will be displayed. His age, height. Different things of the sort.
Current Weapon: Four foot longsword/bastard sword-type blade. Passed down through his family. Three six inch balanced daggers, good for slicing, thrusting and throwing.
Much has happened since the last update of the site. There are many things I need to touch upon, but doing so requires me to sit and concentrate on remembering what happened and when it took place.  So give me a bit of time and check back here or with me to see if I've finished updating it.
Important Events:
September of 2002
Korin killed himself to rid tihs world of his evil side, knowing that if he did so he too would die. Vahn is currently looking for a special temple which would allow him to revive his fallen friend, hopefuly free of the Vampiric curse that plaged his soul.
Click here to see the transcript)
December 6th 2002
Leiwen gave birth to Kyril Phyre and Amory Phyre at the crater where Vahn and Korin had faught in the Shadow Forest. Difficulties with the second child, Amory, eventualy led to her death, leaving Vahn with both Children
Click here to see the transcript)
Febuary 1st 2003
Korin Andrew Phyre was ressurected at the Temple of the Zeth on a small continent south east from the southern tip of Ayenee. Vahn Sefine and Isis Violeta traveled the long distance across the ocean and land to the temple to ressurect him. About four months have passed since Korin killed himself, and finaly Vahn has kept his promise to Leiwen and has brought him back. During the events however Vahn underwent certain changes...
Click here to see the transcript)
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