Attributes and Prowess
Physical attributes: Having once before been a child of the Aloo'ra Tek, Vahn was not a human before the resurrection of his comrade, Korin, had taken place. Instead a being quite similar, yet noticeably different only in ability. Given the blessing of the powerful entities, beings Vahn's ancestors worshiped as dieties known as the Aloo'ra Tek, his ancestors became more than humans and thus their deities bestowed the name Iishvaram unto the people, or another word for supersoul. Strength incomprehensible to a normal man, some of the more honed soldiers of the different kingdoms yeilding  beyond that of six or seven men and royalty being capable of a honing themselves to a higher state. Vahn himself had the strength equivalent to nine men at the time of Korin's resurrection and despite all this strength magickally woven through his dna, it was reduced to fit within human standards, yet not pathetically so. Despite him now being only human, the possible exertions of strength could seem more than normal, yet as afore mentioned not inhuman. The same would apply to his speed and agility, as before the ressurection they too were a considerable margin beyond that of human capabilities. With precise muscle control, articulate use of his entire body, weight, and balance are all utilized in combat consciously and reflexively. His physical senses are quite precise, rather developed for that of a human, but even so not unnaturally capable as before.
The first Vahn ever came to learn of combat was from his father and his royal instructors, several of the higher ranked knights under his father. Taught the basics in fencing, short sword play and close quarter hand to hand combat along with a bit of dagger technique, Vahn had an early start at studying the different arts of combat. Initiated at the early age of seven, the young prince was three years into the training before the untimely event took place and sent him to Ayenee..Since Vahn's arrival to the realm of Ayenee at an early age, he's been met with life and death combat situations as in his first short years he traveled about with a band of thieving children, other few orphans he'd come upon.  What Vahn lacked in actual experience on the streets he made up for in his uncanny observation and assessment. Able to think quickly in the heat of combat, Vahn oft' took the lead, though reluctantly, in the little 'operatives' the gang of children would tempt at. Often successful, it is eventually his own misjudgement which would lead to the capture of himself and several other of his friends, along with the slaughter of the rest. Whilst in captivity, the few friends left alive were seperated, each taken to be trained in a specific area at a slaver prison encampment. Vahn was taken to fight, as the head of the prison noticed the potential of his ability as even though he was no more than twelve or so, the child single handedly slew several of those he'd sent on the retrieval team. Put through perilous training day by day and vigorous battle drills, Vahn's knowledge over the art of combat, along with the cruelty of the world, grew immensely. Vahn would spend several years within the camp, resisting for quite a time before succumbing to the harsh punishments and gave into the wishes of the head slaver and the glory of killing. He faught for the woman and eventually earned a trust that would grant him the opportunity to escape. And escape he did, along with leading several of his fellow skilled battlers to trample over half the forces within the camp and maul the leader, the rest of the forces fleeing. Vahn merely disappeared after the commotion, unbeknowing to the lot that had come to follow and trust him. There was much for him to contemplate and he could not do it with thoughts muddled amongsts that of people. After several months in solitude, training and living off the land whilst he contempalted, Vahn decided he would utilize his skills to keep his promise to his father. He would become a blade for hire. One of the best, to earn the funds and keep his word. With the different wars raging about Ayenee in fervent disregard of peace, Vahn becoming a mercenary was quite timely.  Working for the many different clans and individuals, Vahn made a name for himself subtly amongst some of the respected and powerful. Now years later, his knowledge over combat continues to grow with every battle and spar and his physical prowess is ever sustained through the daily honing of such.
Battle Prowess:
Next is a list of Vahn's magickal abilities along with the explanation of the innate gift bestowed upon Vahn in exchange for the blessing of the Aloo'ra Tek.
To the next page.