International Academy of Noosphere
The Baltic Branch,,,;  fax +(372) 600 7969

Software and English Books
created in the
International Academy of Noosphere under the direction
of academician
(Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Cybernetics, Computer Algebra Systems, etc.)

0. Mirror of this web site

!NB! Our new monograph on Cellular Automata (in English and in Russian)
!NB! Our new books and software (in English and in Russian)
!NB! Our new book on programming in Maple (in Russian)

1. Academic Books, Textbooks, Monographs and Software for Sale
2. Demo of Library of New Tools for package Maple of releases 6 - 10 (download)
Description of Library of New Tools for package Maple of releases 6 - 10
Cybernetics (Homogeneous Structures - Cellular Automata) (download)
5. The Basic web site of the International Academy of Noosphere
6. Announcement about Election to the International Academy of Noosphere
7. Russian web site of our publications in Computer Science, Cellular Automata,
    Computer Algebra Systems and Theory of General Statistics

8. Monographies, Textbooks and Books published by members of the Baltic Branch

     during 1995 - 2009
9. Offers to Sponsors
10. Aladjev's curriculum vitae

Last update May 10, 2009

Copyright © 2003 - 2009 International Academy of Noosphere

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