Valbresge Bacta Municipal

Welcome to the Valbresge Bacta Municipal, otherwise known as VBM. We are a corporation majoring in the processing and distribution of bacta and bacta supplies, such as patches and gels. VBM is also considered a hospital, or hospice, in its own right. Here we have a large group of personnel, mainly Thyferra's natives, Vratix.
Don't let the holo fool you. VBM's structure is made much like the Vratix communal towers of mud and saliva with the exception of the human built structure on top--which was built to make some of the staff more comfortable working in that environment. There is the main reception area at the base of the structure which would be at the base of the tall trees as well. Then lifts and stairwells allow passage to the other levels of the structure, which also has a catacomb like basement in which Ms. Lars and much of the Vratix do special projects in.



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Counter patients have been served at Valbresge Bacta Municipal since 98/23/09.