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Valencia Chapter

American Association of University Professors

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Academic Issues


Contingent Labor


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The Academy as part of the national & global economies

This article,"The Economics of Superstars," is not specifically about the academy but does relates directly to the academic tiered labor system and shows how current academic employment practices are part of larger national and global practices.

It's not just here.  Contingency and its inequities are global. For a more complete understanding of contingency and how it affects higher education, we need to examine its practices in other professions across the nation and around the world.

"Industrial restructuring has led to a drop in the employment rate in Brazil, although it has produced extremely high gains in productivity for industry as a whole and for some segments in particular (automobiles and automobile parts, for example). This confirms a process whereby the employment level has become more precarious: an increasing proportion of workers do not have signed working papers and are shifted precariously to the so-called informal economy. In general, job and salary scales do not keep up with actual changes in factory labour (Bresciani, 1994:201-202). According to Arruda (1994), '...the flexible system in the globalization process is eliminating more jobs than it is capable of creating. Capital and a deregulated market do not give priority to either jobs or human needs. The principle of competitive modernization is to keep a limited number of stable jobs inside companies and precarious part-time jobs outside, in a process of sharing unemployment.'"

Abstract: http://www.ibeurope.com/Records/7400/7478.htm
Full text: http://europa.eu.int/comm/lisbon_strategy/pdf/COM2004_024_en.pdf


Organizations & Organizing (aka "alphabet soup")

Locally based institutions made up of community leaders, religious leaders, academics, elected officials, and other prominent members of the community can be effective vehicles to address workplace and community concerns. Although the Boards have no legal authority, over the last seven years, the local structure of the Boards have produced real results

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Page built and maintained by Vanessa
Last updated 5/25/04