The Nišstang

Nithstangr / NIŠ / Nidstång / Niš / Nišing Pole

I call this Niš, upon all those that support

racism, desecration of sacred symbols,

facism, hatred, terrorism, and electronic

warfare - which inlcudes spammers, info

grabbers, and just plain nasty people!

May Loki send you strife, and corrupt

your dealings with mischievious deception.

May you feel the Sly One's effect, as all

benevolent forces are turned against you.

And may you expose yourselves thru the

chaos created, as the Trolls that you

really are, and be shunned as such!

Learn More!

If you would like to learn more about the

Nišstang, and what it means, or you would

just like to view some other Nišstang pages,

then click on the links provided below...

View Grimner's Nišstang

View the Northvegr Nišstang

View's Nišstang

These are not Nišstang, they are however,

addressing subjects of similar nature.

Lokiheimr Vengeance of Vali

Northvegr Vali's Vengeance

Northvegr Reclaiming the Sun Wheel

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