<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/valscott4/simplythebest.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Sammy was born in August, 1981.  He came to me when he was twelve weeks old, my very first puppy.  He was the sweetest, gentlest dog ever, and it was love at first sight for both of us.
Sammy's real name was Samadi.  He was named after an Arab cake shop next door to Harrods, where they sold those incredibly sweet sugary cakes.  A friend who saw him when I brought him home said "He's so sweet, just like one of those cakes from Samadi's" and the name kind of stuck.
Sammy was as stubborn as he was sweet, and he decided very early on that there was no way he was going to eat dog food.  I tried him with every brand in the supermarket, but he steadfastly refused to eat until I, in a panic, tried him with some chicken.  After that, so long as I gave him human food, he would eat practically anything.  His will power was always stronger than mine.
Sammy loved riding in the car, and was happy sitting on the back seat looking out of the window.  I took him everywhere I could with me, and when he couldn't come, he would go to stay with my parents, who, if anything, spoiled him more than I did.
Sammy was a real family dog, and especially enjoyed being with the family.  He was very jealous if any of us made a fuss of another dog, growling and barking until the other dog ran away.
I had four pet Guinea Pigs when Sammy arrived in the house who used to run around in the conservatory.  Sammy loved picking them up in his mouth and bringing them to me.  He never hurt them, although they did object loudly to such treatment.  I can still see Sammy running proudly in the kitchen with a struggling, squeaking Guinea Pig in his mouth. 
In May, 1992, Sammy had a massive heart attack and died in the garden.  It was so sudden.  At 4.55pm I had a dog, and at 5 o'clock, I didn't.  I thought my heart would break.  Even now, I can still cry over Sammy, but mostly my memories of him are good ones.
Tina Turner's song, 'Simply the Best' has always been a favourite of mine.  I used to sing it to Sammy because it described him perfectly.  He was Simply the Best.
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