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Kallie is a blue and cream mix Persian girl, with beautiful amber eyes.
Her exact age is unknown, but she was thought to be about sixteen when I adopted her. For the first part of her life she lived with an elderly lady in Battersea, South London.
The old lady became sick and was taken to hospital where, sadly, she died.
For the whole time the old lady was in hospital and in the weeks after her death Kallie lived alone in the house with a neighbour going in once a day to feed her.  The neighbour eventually took Kallie to live with her, but by now Kallie was very depressed and refusing to eat.  The neighbour decided she no longer wanted Kallie, so she was taken to the Persian rescue, where she continued to refuse to eat and grew very sick.
When I adopted Kallie in January, 2000, she was quite close to death.  She was unbelievably skinny, most of her fur had fallen out and she had lost interest in just about everything.  After one night of her refusing food and water, I took her to our vet, who kept her in the surgery for several days, feeding her intraveneously and treating her with antibiotics for an infection she'd picked up.
Eventually, Kallie came home with a special kind of food to build up her strength.  She began putting on weight, taking an interest in her surroundings and at last her fur began to grow back.  Today she is healthy and happy with a very full coat.
Kallie is a solitary cat, who rarely interacts with any of the other animals in the house.  She likes to sit on my lap and watch television and to sit in her basket watching the world go by.  She loves being in the garden, where she spends hours watching the birds, or sitting on the edge of the pond watching the fish.
The woman who runs the Persian rescue said Kallie wouldn't "make old bones," but I suspect she will.
Sadly, Kallie left us for the Rainbow Bridge on September 15, 2003.  She had given no indication that she was going, but she ate some chicken for her tea, and curled up in her basket for a snooze.  When I went to give her her supper, she had decided not to wait and had died in her sleep.  A very peaceful way to go.  The Persian Rescue woman was wrong....Kallie did make very old bones.
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Left photo: Kallie blends in with the beanbag.
Kallie enjoys having a variety of baskets for her many naps.
Visitors since June, 2003
Kallie enjoys being in the garden