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Prudence may not have been the best choice of names for her. In fact, she's more brave than prudent.
Prudie had to make the two-hour journey from the Persian cat rescue  to London in the back of the car with Chaka, where she sat complaining loudly and stopping both Chaka and Beaubo from sleeping.  This worried Prudie not at all, she knew who was destined to be in charge.
Back in London I had arranged a room where Kallie could be isolated from the dogs and other cats until she had settled down. There was no such room for Prudie, neither did she need one.  She walked into the house, put her suitcases down and began living with us.
Prudie is fearless.  She had never lived with a dog, but she soon showed Beaubo and Chaka what she considered their place to be in the heirarchy...lower down than hers!!  A few well aimed punches to a vulnerable nose soon confirmed this.                     
Prudie is a beautiful chocolate colourpoint Persian with bright blue eyes.  If she lived in the USA, she would be called a Himalayan, but we don't make this distinction yet in the UK. 
She was born in October, 1984.  For the first fifteen years of her life she lived in Sussex, the pampered and cherished pet of a married couple.  She was primarily the husband's cat.  Sadly, the husband died and his widow decided she no longer wanted Prudie, so she was taken to the Persian rescue, where, because of her age, she was considered unadoptable and destined to spend the rest of her life there. 
I adopted her in January, 2000.
Prudie's time with me was far too short.  Prudie was diagnosed with bone cancer in July, 2001 and went to the Bridge.  I'm sure she's there now ruling the roost and winning beauty competitions.........................
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