<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/valscott4/Pappagano.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Pumpkin was born in August 1992.  He spent the first seven years of his life in Surrey before his first owners turned him in to the Persian Cat Rescue because they no longer wanted him.  I adopted him in October 1999 because I wanted him very much.
Pumpkin is a typical Persian, very affectionate, cuddly and funny.  His favourite time and occupation is to sit on my lap in front of the fire on a cold winter's evening, where he lies purring so loudly that it's often difficult to hear the television over the sound he makes. 
Pumpkin never hunts, he's far too aristocratic for such a plebian activity. He's more than content to leave to me the provision of food, although he's quite happy to accept a share of anything Eric brings back to the house from his forays.
In common with most Persians, Pumpkin is eager to try any kind of human food.  A particular favourite of his is the doughnut, but he also loves ice cream and cheesecake.  It's so funny to watch him with ice cream.  He'll lick it, get it all over his whiskers and then spend ages cleaning it off, often falling asleep midway through the process to wake up an hour later and carry on.
Pumpkin loves being bathed, brushed and generally fussed over.  He has been in two cat shows and won many rosettes and four trophies, accepting all of them as if they are no more than his due, which, of course, they are.
Pumpkin has now taken to frequenting Basset boards on the Internet, where he tells of his life and friends at their Superior Training Camp deep in the woodlands of Maine, where they live lives of extraordinary luxury and daily pampering.  He and his friends amuse themselves flying around on their broomsticks and terrorising any Basset unfortunate enough to cross their paths.
He has, indeed, come a long way from the Persian Rescue.
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Pumpkin at his computer
Pumpkin has a Stars and Stripes bandana
Pumpkin and part of his huge collection of rosettes
Pumpkin relaxes in the conservatory as he contemplates another night of fun at the STC
Visitors since June, 2003