
Wish to learn more about my demonic friends? Go right on ahead! ^_^

~~* Pictures *~~

That be Ally-Cat. No, the one crossing her fingers, not the guys. ^_^ She's been one of my best friends sense 6th grade, and hopefully forever after as well. She is also known as SerenityX, but I like to call her Seren. And her InuYasha character is Sango. The two guys weren't supposed to be there...nor was my finger. >.<

There be Ally-Cat again! Along with our math teacher, Mr.Auclair. ^_^ And I don't have a clue what the blue-black spot is on Seren's shirt...>.<

A group shot of some of my friends. Going from left to right: The first guy..I don't know who he is, he's not supposed to be there. -.- Then in the back, the red head, would be Justin. ( Jaken ) We also call him the chicken. Behind him, is Chris. He's hard to see. The one with the spikey hair. Then the girl with the short brown hair would be Daina. ^_^ Behind her, the guy flicking you off, would be Jeff. ( Shippo ) And infront of him, is Ally-Cat. ( Sango ) XD And last, next to her, is Zach.

Mind you, I didn't take this picture. Kiara ( Kilala ) did. Left to right: That would be Kerry. He likes to call me boots, and he sits on my left in Mr.Carters class. Then the little guy, the short one, is Ricky. Then...I don't remember the other two. And I don't have a clue what they are doing either. >.<

Left to right: The guy sticking his ass out is Brice. The guy behind him is Alias. The women with her leg over Brices ass, would be Kiara ( Kilala ) And behind her is Jeff ( Shippo ) I don't have a clue who that other guy is. And last, is Bredna.

All I shall that I don't know these people. ;> They were just there! XD

Left to right: That would be Brice and his big head. ;> Then, Justin ( Jaken ) Next to him is Holly ( Not a friend ) who wasn't supposed to be there. Behind her is Jeff ( Shippo ) doing something odd...Then David. Infront of him is Kiara ( Kilala ) Still don't know that other guy. Behind him is Ally-Cat ( Sango ) And in the back, is Kendrek.

Lookie! 'Tis Brenda and Kiara ( Kilala) ^_^ Tah!

A crapy picture of my Homebase and Reading/Language class. And I'd rather not name them all. ;>

Is he creppy looking? ;> Author be his name. I was sitting down in my seat. He sits infront of me. On the bus. -Nods.- And he's in all of my classes as well. ^_^

That be Kiara ( Kilala ) Posing. ;> She being the ditdz that she is. ;> In all of my classes, and we're also sharing the same locker in high school. Scarey. X.x

'Tis Nick, the half naked wolf demon ( Koga ) And yes, he always looks like that....O.o Next to him on his right, our left, is Ally-Cat ( Sango )

That be Lucious ( Naroku ) In the twighlight zone...;> Bahaha!

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~~* This website was created May 8th, 2003 *~~
~~* All graphics, artwork, text belongs to me, Valden Dark Light, unless stated otherwise. *~~
~~* Do NOT use/copy/edit/move anything without permission from me via email. *~~ .