Valden Dark Light

Wish to learn more about me, then go right on ahead! ^_^

~~* Profile *~~

Human name: Breanna Sullivan

Age: 14

Height: 5'6

Weight: 75 pounds

Demon name: Valden DarkLight

Age: 160

Height: 5'0

Weight: 500 pounds

Religion: I don't really have one. It's more of a made up one. -Nods.-

Colors: I happen to like black, white, bright green, brown, crimson, purple, pink, yellow, and navy blue.

Music: Most of my music are soundtracks. Inu-Yasha, Tenchi Muyo, Vampire Princess Miyu, Spirit, Final Fantasy 10, Harry Potter 1 and 2, Dare Devil, Spirits Within, Atlantas, Avrial, Janet Jackson, Rod Stewert, Journey, Aqua 1 and 2, Baldenda, and afew more I can't remember.

Inspirational Artists: Sidian Silverhawk, Golden Wolf, Blaqriot, Starluck, Shard, Kimbo, Skifi, Leks, Magnus, Miriel, Luna, Moonsun, Kishlash, Knives, Ally-Cat, Larea, Hulyen Blefeather, and more!

Movies: Oh my. X.x Many. If you ever want to know..ask me? ^_^

My likes: Dragons. Deer. Horses. Cats. Wolves. Snakes. Spiders. Birds. Death. Choas. Blood. Gore. Fantasy. Mythology. Space. Stars. The moon. Clouds ( Odd..) Forests. Savannas. The ocean. Trees. Swords. Daggers. Bows. Bomeranges. Kimonos. Whips. Posion. Speed ( No not the drug...You freak...) Art. Drawing. Painting. Rage. Growling. Confusing stupid people. My true friends. Biting. Kicking ( because I can? o.O ) Individuality. Storms. Rain. Torture. Nature. Being outside...

My Dislikes: Humans ( I only like afew ) Art-theft. My older brother. Doctors. My school. The sun. Religion. Most children. Rap. Pop. Pop-rock. Periods. People who stare all the damn time. Morons. Maroons. Idiots. The air force. Preps. Overly cheerful people. The people in my school. This state. The world. Hunting of deer and any sort of wild animal ( I hate you all! ) Jackasses that will grow up to be jackasses ( I know alot. ) Spiky hair. And much more. X.x

~~* Pictures *~~

'Tis me! -Gasp- Behehe. And my math teacher, Mr.Auclair. ^_^

~~* Home *~~

~~* This website was created May 8th, 2003 *~~
~~* All graphics, artwork, text belongs to me, Valden Dark Light, unless stated otherwise. *~~
~~* Do NOT use/copy/edit/move anything without permission from me via email. *~~ .