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John and Leanne
Hey!  We want to know you were here!  Please sign our Guestbook!  It's right here....
What's         and Exciting?!
November 8, 2004

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I know it's been a long time since we last updated our webpage, but a lot has been happening and we just haven't had the time to sit down and talk abotu our lives.

Let's see here:

Leanne has received a promotion at work! She is now the Manager of Programs and Collections at work. Long hours, better pay, and she is very much enjoying every minute of it. Congrats, Leanne!

John is still striving for his Assistant Manager position at work. He has received a couple of promotions over the last several months, which is putting him on the right track for Assistant Manager. Congrats John!

We would really like to thank everyone who supported us at our wedding. It was a huge success, and if you didn't have fun there, it was your own problem! :p

Oh yeah, and just so you know, we are now parents.
We got ourselves some fish; four red minor tetras, four black phantom tetras and an algae eater. The first algae eater got torn apart by our tetras...guess they didn't like him so much. Oh well, it's a fish eat fish world out there.

Until next update (Which I hope will be sooner)

This daisy link is under construction to provide proof/pictures that Leanne and John are hitched
Since our list of links was getting a little crowded, we decided to move them all to their very own page:
Our Links
Please do your part to save a life, and donate blood!
Canadian Blood Services
Click HERE for our Christmas Lists

Happy Holidays!