Sunday, November 25, 2001 Nothing much has happened so far today..I just added the likes and dislikes section. Im glad to see that I like more things than I dislike. Anyone who's the other way around is WAY too cynical. I worked on my shop today at Neopets. I made it like a little winter wonderland ^_^ perfect for the upcoming holidays. Awww...the only problem with the holidays this year is every time I think of them I remember Dustin isn't going to be here. He's leaving for boot camp on the 18th of December. *sniffles* Im gonna miss him! He'll be gone for 9 weeks. The horror! I dont know how we're gonna communicate...I'm hoping he'll have some sort of computer access. Even if it's once a week it's better than not at all. Ew..Nii-san's boyfriend just came online..*shivers* I dun like that guy at all..he's weird and he scares me o.o;; I told Nii-san to break up with him but nnOOoOoOoOo cant do that. lol I didnt think he would anyways I just really dun like this guy, Ryan. He's bonkers. Hmm..speaking of messenger..Cody hasnt IMed me yet..odd o.O;; usually he does, like, every ten minutes (Im exagerrating of course..but not much O.o;) I'm willing to bet he read my last entry and now he's all depressed over it thinking he annoys me all the time or something. He worries to much. I like him for who he is! If he annoyed me, would I be talking to him all the time? No. *sighs* He doesnt have much faith in our friendship. It's mean to ME to think that way coz it basically says "She doesnt value our friendship enough" In truth I think I value it more than he does. He's always willing to give it up because he thinks he bugs me or angers me or something. Everyone fights! If I stopped hanging with everyone I had a fight with I wouldn't be married right now! Dustin and I used to fight at least once a week. Cody and I have never really fought..I've bickered at him once or twice when I was in a pissy mood but thats it. Maybe that's the problem? Not enough fights? I dunno. *shrugs* Gah! Opt did it again! He added yet another person to the founder list without even TELLING me and Nii-san about it. We're all founders! We should have a say or at least KNOW about it! This is the second time he's done this. The first time he did it it pissed Nii-san and me off too. Opt swore he'd never do it again..damn lyer. Sad thing is I can totally see him doing something like this..I mean it doesnt surprise me. You can tell by his attitude that he thinks it's his club. Which it is..but it's OURS too. Nii-san and I worked super hard with members and the way the club works. Opt just walks in at the ooc board and talks every now and then and makes images when he feels like it. *sighs* Thanks a lot opt. Makes me feel so loved when you pull shit like this. Oh and Cody still hasnt IMed guess is he wont for the whole day until maybe tonight. Otherwise he'll wait till he figures Im offline and send me a message apologizing for not talking to me and saying it was because he read my last entry. I shouldnt have told him about my site methinks. o.O;; He takes things too hard too easy. Yahoo's been really screwey today. Bah! Get's on my nerves. *sighs* Nii-san is too obsessed with this Ryan person. I admit it..Im getting jealous. Not lover jealous just..jealous. That baka is all Nii-san ever seems to talk about or care about anymore. It makes me sad..I feel Nii-san just walking away from me and not even looking back. I feel very close to of the few people I feel so close to. Hence my calling him Nii-san. What's happening right now with him makes me feel like crying. Dustin should be home soon..he's usually able to cheer me up at least. ^_^ Hopefully we can watch my last Fushigi Yugi DVD tonight. *frowns* I feel awful and want to get rid of the feeling..writing is helping me but not enough >.< I feel like writing a poem in Japanese..kinda hard to do when you dont know enough of the language to even try though o.O;; Hmm.. Sweet nothings in my ear at night And kisses in the morning Make me feel like all is right And fill me with a longing The next time I see you I want to hold you tight Whisper to you in the morning And kiss you in the night. Yeah I guess that works....>.>;; Well Dustin's home (yay) ^_^ Sad thing is we couldnt think of anything to do so Im here surfin the net all bored-like and he's watching some dorky TV show. Bah! Life never turns out the way you want ~_~; Oh well. Hopefully we'll watch FY later tonight after the parent's have gone to sleep so we can use the TV and not worry about them doggin me for watching "Japanamation" Well Cody IMed me (wow!) lol. Maybe for once I mis-read him? Doubtful but still possible..hmm. Hee hee..he's wondering what my status is. I placed "Watashi wa imouto-chan no baka" meaning I'm little sister the idiot. At least I think it means has to do with the thing with Nii-san and I of course..not that I'll tell Cody that. Moohaha Of course he'll prolly read this and find out...d'oh! |