Tuesday, November 27th, 2001

Today started off pretty well too. I got up and checked the clubs. Of course nothing major happened as I slept. Nothing usually does *shrugs*
After that I went to Neopets, stalked the magic shoppe and got a good amount of stuff. My register had over 100k in it today. *dances* Only 6k more to 5 million!
I also hung around the Guild chat board a while and ended up recruiting some more members for the guild. Yay! It's such a great guild I feel my duty to spread the word about it, lol.
Dustin's home today so we spent a bit of time together. I wanna go out but we're kinda flat broke so it's a bit hard to say..go see a movie with zero dollars. Maybe I can dive into my bank account..gah! It's so close to christmas though!
Waah! Dustin's not gonna be here for christmas! *cries*
Oh! I got an email from Gem today. *dances* I havent heard from him for over a week Im always glad to hear from him. He said he should be getting online to RP again soon. Yay ^_^
I love being able to talk to him! He's so smart! o.o;; I feel like Im learning something just staring at the screen and reading his words, lol.
I was also thinking last night as I watched Fushigi Yugi with Dustin that Nii-san is to me like Nuriko is to Miaka. A big brother I could totally trust...or could..I dunno whats gonna end up with us now that he's got that Ryan no baka around >.>;;
I guess now we're like Miaka and Nuriko when they were fighting about Hotohori o.o;
Hmm what else *scratches head*
Oh yeah! Joe made my dislike list *grins*
He's such an ass..he pisses and moans when I dont talk to him but if I do he throws a bitch fit. He called me RUDE! *mocks shock and pain* how dare he! *gasp!*
The reason he called me rude is totally lame anyways. He's been posting these retarded Fight Club quotes. The first time he did it he said "shoot me if you want me to stop"
So what happened? Of course. We shot him. Actually Akren beat me to the punch >.>;
And does he stop? No of course not. He sends in some dumbass "Joe clone" to spout out more lines. After that I told him I could just delete those..he posted another quote..and I deleted it!
Heehee..I thought it was pretty funny.
Of course what does he do? Throw a hissy fit. AND calls me a bitch behind my back. What the fuck? Look you little pussy you got something to say you fuckin say it to my face.
The only reason Im not saying that to him right now is because it's not MY job to IM him. He wants to talk about me behind my back? Fine. At least everything I say Im willing to say to his face.
He always whines "why dont you talk to me?" "I wanna be friends like before" but he pulls shit like this.
Newsflash: that isnt how it works! Wow! Surprising, ne?
The funny thing is..I just find this more amusing than anything. He bitches and I laugh coz he just brings shit upon himself then whines about it.
*taps her chin* Man with all this crap you'd think he'd have at least one * next to his name on that list of mine..for some reason I cant bring myself to hate him that much.
At least not yet..O.o; he keeps acting like this of course, he'll be right up there with..dare I say it? Akren! Bum bum BUM!
*shrugs* Whatever. No skin off my nose. I wonder what movies are playing tonight? If Dustin and I do go out what would we see? Hmmm...food for thought o.O;;
Oh! I did the post I was thinking of doing..the one taking me from Vejita and off to do my own thing again. I dont even think Nii-san has logged on yet today. I doubt he'll care though..he's too swept up with *gag* Ryan no baka.
I went and found Tenshi, which is gem's chara, and did stuff with him again to keep the chara active while gem gets his compy all set up.
I can now technically go Super 4! Hoo ha! lol. Slowly but surely, ne?
I guess thats it..Im gonna try and figure out if we can see a movie..if not I'll prolly just hang around Neopets or make a few more posts.