

The Betareader


For Mary Stark

There was a time that I thought I didn't need a betareader. In fact, at the start of my fanfic writing career, I didn't know what it was! But, as with all learning curves, I learned soon enough. When the opportunity came along to ask someone to edit "Strangers when we meet", the first and only person I asked, was the one person who said yes. If someone asked me how I found this person, I'd say it was through the writing of this behemoth. One day I asked her for help and one day, she replied, "certainly". I had no idea then of her real worth and trusted her implicitly with my creation. What a blessing then that I commissioned for this work such an amazing woman who picked out errors, offered alternatives, challenged my 'wordiness', loved the project as much as I loved it, and always exuded the world's greatest patience. I asked that she challenge me, and she did, many times! I owe Mary Stark so much, it is difficult to quantify my gratitude, except to say that I am eternally grateful that she did share and experience with me this labour of love. I am not certain whether this story will be the greatest story I have told so far, but I can assure you, it has been edited by the greatest betareader I have had the honor of working with. I am hoping to continue our working association with my next big project. I cannot thank her enough for her perseverance even when she had the trials of real life to contend with.

This is not by any means a treatise on the nature and value of betareaders for I believe those topics have been done over and over on boards, lists, newsgroups.

It is just a simple, most heartfelt "Thank you, Mary."


The Mentors


Sheila Williams

In a faraway land there lives a lady who shares my last name. I 'met' her while I was writing "And gather dreams that never fade away", and since the writing of a certain chapter of "Strangers when we meet" in which I asked readers to complete a very personal questionnaire, I had the privelege of getting to know her better and we became firm friends. On her I showered all my frustrations, my despair, my joy, my unquenchable drive to write and write, the agony of powerlessness when I couldn't find a connection back to my story. Yes, there were times I felt run off my feet, too tired to think, too pressured to post a chapter or two, too battered by the force of some of the scenes I had to write, and she'd be there to offer the calm in a sea of storms. It was Sheila who 'introduced' me to the composer Gabriel Fauré and I fell in love with his "Requiem".

For being there, every step of the way: thank you, Sheila.

Dee Williams

Husband, friend, mentor. The one who listens.








April 2003