The Back Roads of Vancouver Island

Most of the population on Vancouver Island is spread out along the east coast of the Island.  The road development reflects that and the main highway runs from Victoria on the south to Port Hardy on the north following the coast in most places.  Port Alberni is the largest city on the west coast and the #4 highway runs cross island to connect it.  There is another branch off to the west at Campbell River where the #28 goes cross island to  the town of Gold River.

Given the population distribution and the highway development most of the island would be inaccessible were it not for the maze of logging roads that criss cross the wilderness.  Using these, the intrepid traveller can  reach small communities and explore some beautiful and unusual natural areas. 

On this page we will explore some of those sites that can be reached on the back roads of Vancouver Island.  Before I tell you about them there are some generic warnings that apply.  Logging roads have been built by the logging companies on land leased by them.  Their trucks always have the right-of-way. Most of these logging roads are not wide enough to allow a loaded logging truck and a passenger vehicle to proceed at the same time.  For this reason there are pull out areas provided. You, as the driver of a visiting vehicle, are the one who is to use these pull outs to get out of the way.


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You may be able to do some of the logging roads in a conventional sedan but you try it at your own peril.   At any point the road may deteriorate to the point where your vehicle will be bottoming out.  

A truck or a utility vehicle will manage them nicely.

These pages contain information on some sites that you can visit along our backroads.  I have not included the smaller communities or the big hiking trails that can be accessed by these roads...just the natural sites you can see within a short distance from the road ways.

 Upana Cave Trail
 Rhododendron Lake
 Piddlin' Around Buttle Lake

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