Parks and Camp Grounds

"park" (pärk), n. [OF parc, fr early ML parricus.] 1. English Law An enclosed piece of ground stocked with beasts of the chase, held by prescription or the king's grant.  2. A tract of ground kept in its natural state, as for game, for walking, riding or the like.  3. A piece of ground in or near a city or town kept for ornament and recreation; also an area maintained in its natural state as a public property.

Our Parks

Vancouver Island is about 314 miles long.  On it there are approximately 214 lakes and 60 rivers.  There are  90 provincial parks, 74 wilderness recreation sites, a large national park and many smaller regional parks.  There are also an assortment of privately owned resorts and camp grounds.  The amenities offered to campers in these various parks will vary considerably.  So will cost.   Check with the Ministry of Tourism for more detailed information.
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Parks in British Columbia are not intended to be fully utilized for recreational purposes.  Many of them were created to protect wilderness and public access to these areas is discouraged.  B.C.Parks designate five types of park zoning:

In the introduction to this page I differentiated between provincial parks and wilderness recreation areas.  The wilderness recreation areas are managed by the Ministry of Forests rather than by Parks B.C.  In the process of logging operations, primitive roads are built.  These roads provide a way to reach remote areas which would not otherwise accessible.  It has become common for logging companies and the Ministry of Forests to cooperate in the building and maintaining of simple camp sites at some of these areas after the active logging has been completed. There is drive in access to these camping spots, and fire pits and out houses are available. Typically these sites are small and they are always free.


Other Links

More information on B.C.Parks including how to make reservations. (You do not need those most of the time unless you want to do the big beaches in the summer.)

Private Campgrounds often have more facilities for those who have recreational vehicles.


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