Graphics Links Can be found here
Documentation: Game Of Nim & 3D Animation of Christmas Eve

Presentation: My Indpendent Study, Winter'06
Logo, I deisgned for my friend's company.

Isn't it nice? ;-)
Daksha's Collage
(Birth - 20 months)

Original size :
60in X 60in
Varun's Collage
Sriya's 1'st birthday Invitation card
Game of Nim
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(Source Code and Makefile for Linux)

Installation file Coming Soon...

3D Christmas Eve
...................... ......

(Source Code and Makefile for Linux)

Installation file & ScreenSaver
Coming Soon...

Dhriti's Expressions collage Mom and Dad's photos edited and sized for the keepsake frame Raji and Naresh photos edited and sized for the keepsake frame