He made us many promises...
He said they'd never fail
The greatest of them all
Is when they pounded in the nail
This His only son
They laid Him in a grave
Showing us that death
No longer be our slave
But live again in glory
With all the heavenly host
He made another promise
In it He sent the Holy Ghost
Father let me walk in your light
Let me keep Jesus always in my sight
To your way let me not be blind
But keep your love always on my mind
Keep my spirit safe and sound
Help my heart and mind turn around
In your presence I want to be
When I close my eyes and bow to thee
Thank you for covering all my sin
Thank you, God, for sending Him
The Cross
Three nails took away His
The day that Jesus met with death
He hung on the cross to bear our shame
Now alive!
With joy we praise His holy name
~Doug Van Wyk~
You also were included in Christ
when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your
salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a
seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit
guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemtion of those
who are God's possession--to the praise of His glory.
Ephesians 1: 13,14
Artwork for the background
by Danny Hahlbolm
All rights belong to the artist.© 1998
Please don't take this background with the logo and link to
his site. http;//inspired-art.com.
Welcome sign created by